Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 16. July 2021, 05:00 by XeonRisq)

Each row, column, and region must contain the digits 1-9.

Cells that are a chess knight's move apart must not contain the same number.

Numbers that appear in the cells between a difference constraint must have a difference of 1.

Numbers that appear in the cells between a ratio constraint must have a ratio of 2.

Not all dots are given.

Cells with grey circles must contain odd numbers.

Cells with grey squares must contain even numbers.

F-puzzles link - link to solve online

Solution code: Row 4 followed by Column 2

Solved by zorant, SKORP17, MavericksJD, cfop, WarriorKitten, jkuo7, OGRussHood, cdwg2000, soroush, zhergan, jalebc, SeveNateNine, isajo4002, DiMono, apwelho, Felis_Timon, Elliott810
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Rating:89 %
Solved:17 times
Observed:7 times

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