Normal sudoku rules apply. Digits on the two palindrome lines must read the same both forwards and backwards. Neighboring digits marked with a white Kropki dot are consecutive. Neighboring digits marked with a black Kropki dot have a 2 to 1 ratio. Not all dots are given. Digits in a quadruple circle must appear in the surrounding cells. Comments welcome! :-)
Solution code: First row of puzzle
on 7. November 2021, 21:30 by Moses*
Schönes Palindrom-Puzzle, das mit ein bisschen Erfahrung bereits flüssig von der Hand geht.
Besten Dank an PDN
** Yay! Klingt, als würdest du dich verbessern! :-)
on 20. August 2021, 20:15 by Steve52
Nice one! Same for the code.
Edit: Thank you. And my recent puzzles have longer codes. TY
on 14. July 2021, 09:03 by gameface
The solution code should be changed.
Edit: I'll make it harder for my future posts.
on 14. July 2021, 03:57 by jorgenunez
I liked the puzzle, but I'd make the solution code more complicated. I completed the first row half way through the puzzle.
Edit: ah -- duly noted for next time.
on 13. July 2021, 19:32 by Timwi
Enjoy this puzzle on Zinga: