Double Double
(Published on 8. July 2021, 20:04 by fuxia)
- Normal Sudoku rules apply.
- Grey boxes of the same size are clones: They contain the same digits at the same positions.
- Cells connected by black dots are in a 1:2 ratio.
- Cells connected by a white dot are consecutive (for example 3 and 4).
- Not all possible black and white dots are given.
- Have fun!
License: CC BY 4.0
Solution code: Column 5
Last changed on on 8. July 2021, 20:44
Solved by Steven R, w3leong, SKORP17, PulverizingPancake, sandini, MrTibbs, Noorgard, Piatato, wilsig, zorant, Florian Wortmann, cfop, Tojvoh, Innocuous, sgreer, Nusi, skywalker, jgarber, Raistlen, DanMeehan, ... PippoForte, Jodelbanane, Mr.CHEN, metacom, zrbakhtiar, Carolin, EnotiAndy, NineK, Jordan Timm, josemadre, Lovejoy , drf93, Rearden, Thomster, pepe74287, LachyDachy, vexillophilia, resterman, Cliff
on 8. July 2021, 22:48 by Tojvoh
Beautiful Puzzle with a beautiful start. Thanks
on 8. July 2021, 22:17 by Florian Wortmann
Sehr schön! Hat Spass gemacht :-)
on 8. July 2021, 21:22 by sandini
Nice interaction between the clone regions on start, creative idea!
on 8. July 2021, 20:44 by fuxia
Lösungscode korrigiert
Last changed on 8. July 2021, 20:43on 8. July 2021, 20:40 by SKORP17
Lösungscode (deutsch) falsch Column 5 = Spalte 5
Fuxia: Danke! Hab's repariert.