Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Pro-Knight Sudoku

(Published on 8. July 2021, 04:37 by JeffWajes)

Pro-Knight Sudoku
By Jeff Wajes

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Digits along a thermometer increase from the bulb.

Each digit inside a cage is a knight's move away from a matching digit outside the cages.

Play on F-puzzles

Solution code: Column 1

Solved by timp1343, dilsexicparrot, apendleton, zorant, Count Knersis, Steven R, Statistica, Zombie Hunter, Julianl, SKORP17, WarriorKitten, Blake Saligia, Shearing, Saskia, snowyegret, apwelho
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on 8. July 2021, 18:48 by Zombie Hunter
Very clever puzzle with an excellent use of logic. Bravo!

Last changed on 8. July 2021, 16:17

on 8. July 2021, 16:11 by SKORP17
die Regeln sind nicht klar
Darf eine Zahl ausserhalb der Cages auch mehrfach für eine Zahl innerhalb der Cages als Partner dienen?
z.B. darf in R5C7 die gleiche Zahl wie in R3C8 bzw R4C5 stehen?

--Yes, that's allowed. A digit outside the cages can be a match for multiple digits inside the cages.

on 8. July 2021, 14:37 by Steven R
Fun solve, thanks!

Rating:88 %
Solved:16 times
Observed:8 times

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