Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The c(l)over-up

(Published on 6. July 2021, 12:29 by Sktx)

This puzzle has a very specific break-in intended, but you may find an escape door to bypass it. The intended break-in does not require long lookahead steps or bifurcation. In case you still manage to solve it without the intended break-in, I will leave a hidden comment to let you appreciate the intended path.

Also, huge thanks to @Sir Schmoopy and @Zombie Hunter for their feedback, which helped me improve on the first version of the puzzle.

==== LINKS ====

F-puzzles : colored version / colorblind version
CtC app : colored version / colorblind version
SudokuLab : colored version / colorblind version
Penpa+ : colored version / colorblind version

==== RULES ====

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Killer cages : Cages sum to the number marked in their upperleft corner - if provided. No digit can repeat within the same cage.

Palindromes : colored lines are palindromes. The sequence of digits along a palindrome reads the same from both ends. (Each color marks a different palindrome. Palindromes can overlap, thus if two disjoint segments are of the same color, they are parts of the same palindrome, which is partially overlapped by another one)

colorblind version : palindromes are annotated with symbols instead of colors (one symbol per palindrome). Cells with two symbols are part of two overlapping palindromes.

Solution code: Digits from row 3 (from left to right) and then column 6 (from top to bottom). No spaces. 18 digits total.

Last changed on on 6. July 2021, 13:37

Solved by cfop, Ragna, FlxCat, SKORP17, Lizzy01, jchan18, PrimeWeasel, zorant, Lakritze, flaemmchen, sandrokv, jonathanperret, TheTrooble, thrap, abed hawila, apendleton, Zombie Hunter, Uhu, lovely, zhergan, OGRussHood, andreatetta, lerroyy, apwelho
Full list


on 6. July 2021, 20:10 by PrimeWeasel
Truly a great puzzle. It took me about an hour to find the cover-up, I kept looking at the wrong clues and not putting it all together. Very nice Alex!

on 6. July 2021, 14:42 by Ragna
Very nice and smooth puzzle. Thank you :-))

on 6. July 2021, 13:37 by Sktx
added Penpa+ links

Last changed on 6. July 2021, 13:04

on 6. July 2021, 12:51 by henrypijames
It's great to see multiple choices for online solving. For the future, could you also include Penpa+ please? It's by far the most versatile (in terms of various possibilities for pencilmarking) and also one of the most mobile-friendly tools.

@henrypijames : I'm on it ! I set it under f-puzzles, so I posted the easy exports first, but the Penpa version is coming too.

Rating:91 %
Solved:24 times
Observed:8 times

Puzzle variant English knowledge Computer assistance

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