Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Shuriken 手裏剣

(Published on 1. July 2021, 14:06 by ___)

Apply normal sudoku rules. Digits along grey lines (which cross) must be between the digits in their connected circles. Digits along purple lines have a minimum difference of 5.

I hope you enjoy.


Solution code: Row 8, Row 9

Last changed on on 2. July 2021, 01:29

Solved by Bropell, SKORP17, Dentones, filuta, VykkDraygo, Tilberg, zorant, cfop, abed hawila, kaitoJD, Playmaker6174, Vebby, lerroyy, ICHTUES, starelev5, Just me, apwelho
Full list


on 19. July 2022, 13:12 by ICHTUES
Very cool puzzle, Thx G!

on 4. November 2021, 18:29 by Playmaker6174
Very beautiful and artistic puzzle with a lovely logical flow, I really enjoyed this one :)

on 3. July 2021, 19:20 by Tilberg
Sehr schön! Danke!

on 3. July 2021, 02:09 by filuta
I enjoyed this one a lot, thank you for sharing it. I don't think it's a 4 star difficulty though.

Last changed on 3. July 2021, 03:13

on 2. July 2021, 23:15 by aneoid
Edit: I just saw Mark did one of your puzzles the other day. Congrats!

Thank you for the offer, and I might take you up on it. I've had it up for 33+ hours and revisit it every once in a while. Maybe CtC will feature it and "solve" all my problems. I think your puzzle deserves it.

on 2. July 2021, 15:20 by ___
@aneoid - if you are interested in guidance on the break in, I am happy to assist via hidden comment. I appreciate your kind feedback.

on 2. July 2021, 04:15 by aneoid
Even though I think I've broken into the puzzle's beginning, I think it broke me.

Still, I really enjoyed the artistic aesthetic and appreciate your time and effort, ___.

on 2. July 2021, 01:29 by ___
changed difficulty from 3 stars to 4

Rating:94 %
Solved:17 times
Observed:9 times

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