Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Latin Cube - Knight's Moves

(Published on 1. July 2021, 14:53 by Raumplaner)

You can solve the puzzle here: Latin Cube - Knight's Moves


Each level contains the digits 1-4 exactly once in each row and column of the 4x4 grid (Latin Squares). The four levels are positioned on top of each other (from top to bottom) and together form the "Latin Cube", where each "stack" (same position on the 4x4 grid, but different level) contains the digits 1-4 exactly once. Digits in Killer Cages can not repeat and sum to the small clue in the corner of that cage. The digits in circles have to appear at least once in the four surrounding cells on that same level. Cells within a knight's move (in chess) can not contain the same digit - knights can move even between different levels on the three dimensional axes!

For better understanding of the 3D-knight's move options:

Solution code: Digits in the top row (from left to right) from all four levels (16 digits in total):

Last changed on on 25. November 2021, 09:43

Solved by perpendicularfifths, CJK, zorant, uvo, jessica6, Phistomefel, saskia-daniela, zuzanina, Dandelo, moss, HaSe, Statistica, Selsted, Raistlen, Laje6, lupo, qiuyanzhe, ParaNox, Grothenlace, Joo M.Y, ... Seeb83, DomL, starelev5, KatiBru, rads, Rollo, zeven, TJReds, xxGRABOIDxx, Jodelbanane, Ambrosia, snr0n, Jordan Timm, geronimo92, Thomster, drf93, Javier Rebottaro, The Book Wyrm, Novisnage, hirassy
Full list


Last changed on 31. August 2021, 12:01

on 2. July 2021, 16:58 by Raumplaner
Many thanks for your feedback! As this is my very first puzzle it is really valuable for me.

on 2. July 2021, 11:25 by jessica6
Möglicherweise ist es übersichtlicher, wenn jedes Feld als Stapel von Rechtecken dargestellt wird.

on 1. July 2021, 15:12 by perpendicularfifths
cool, cool puzzle! and a nice size too, not too difficult to think about.

Rating:70 %
Solved:55 times
Observed:6 times

Variant combination New Online solving tool Small Multi-grid puzzle Three-dimensional Latin Square

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