Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Raindrops / Regentropfen

(Published on 30. June 2021, 18:31 by DocLogic)

Raindrops (Thermometer) are falling on the ground (Palindromes) and spatter little drops of water (Kropki dots). Enjoy the puzzle with this little story!

Besides the normal Sudoku rules, the following rules apply:

Thermometer: figures increase, starting from the bulb

Kropki: figures in cells linked with a white dot are consecutive. Figures in cells linked with a black dot have a ratio of 1:2. Not all possible dots are given

Palindrome: sequences of digits which read the same backward as forward.

F-Puzzles-Link: F-Puzzles link

Solution code: row 6 and column 6

Last changed on on 30. June 2021, 18:51

Solved by SKORP17, Ragna, john9, Realshaggy, drolli38, Pila, Nairi, Morla, misko, jchan18, Timwi, cfop, zuzanina, wilsig, Kilonum, kkli, samuella, Greg, elpadrinoIV, zhergan, kimilsung, Piatato, cdwg2000, ... brimmy, rcg, ildiko, Katchoo, jalebc, jimblek, Crul, ffricke, chain.reader, PinkNickels, marsigel, myothername, jkl, Carolin, zrbakhtiar, Schesam, KerstAn, Hippologicus, Krokant, Lili Lavender, Teck
Full list


on 4. April 2024, 18:24 by Lili Lavender
Wunderschön gemacht, auch die Palindrome haben mir sehr gut gefallen, SUPER! DANKE :-)

on 30. June 2021, 21:24 by Ragna
Das ist ein wunderschönes Design!
Und das Rätsel bietet einen sehr geschmeidigen Lösungsweg. :-)))

on 30. June 2021, 20:26 by Timwi
Enjoy this puzzle on Zinga: https://zinga.timwi.de/QWd6soqwU6eMatH5PhQZX3

on 30. June 2021, 18:53 by SKORP17
das Wetter passt gerade dazu !

Rating:85 %
Solved:101 times
Observed:10 times

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