Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 1. July 2021, 10:09 by CJK)

Put exactly four stars in every row, column and area such that no stars touch each other, not even diagonally.
The grey areas have no special meaning.

Link for online solving

Solution code: For every row (top to bottom) the number of columns left of the leftmost star

Last changed on on 25. July 2021, 13:15

Solved by cdwg2000, uvo, zuzanina, Puzzle_Maestro, Statistica, Darkgrumly, Jesper, JonaS2010, PixelPlucker, Luigi, misko, Greg, r45, AnnaTh, sf2l, karzym, muhorka, Rollo, moss, Mark Sweep, Dandelo, Zzzyxas, ... rimodech, ildiko, Dotty, CaGr, bernhard, moeve, cha, polar, Guaste, Catlover, Sktx, ManuH, amitsowani, stefliew, Al Fresco, EKBM, BenceJoful, bobdobalina, Tacosian, Nick Smirnov, TheZwierz
Full list


on 21. February 2022, 22:31 by Sktx
Very fun (and hard) starbattle, really appreciated it. Probably the hardest SB I've solved so far (but I'm no expert at all). Thanks for your work !

on 18. August 2021, 10:15 by StefanSch
Fand ich sogar schwerer als das 5-Stern-Rätsel der Serie.

on 25. July 2021, 13:15 by CJK
Labels den neuen Regeln angepasst

on 1. July 2021, 16:21 by Statistica
Klasse. Mal sehen, wie lange das noch so weiter geht ;-)

on 1. July 2021, 11:20 by cdwg2000
So large plate chicken!

Rating:94 %
Solved:48 times
Observed:5 times

Standard puzzle Online solving tool Large

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