Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Veni, Vidi, Vici

(Published on 27. June 2021, 06:00 by ICHTUES)

- Normal Sudoku rules apply.
- In cages, digits must sum to the small clue in the top left corner of the cage (if given). Digits may not repeat within a cage.
- Black dots join cells with a 1:2 ratio. Not all dots are given.
- Each main diagonal cannot contain a repeated digit.
- Digits in cells, which contain a grey square, are even.


Solution code: row 5 and column 6 (18 digits)

Last changed on -

Solved by Cane_Puzzles, Konzert, subtize, selador31, Enkerro, cdwg2000, weiken, bedabidi, Julianl, cbattles, Ormstunge, jkl, Steven R, GD20, wilsig, SKORP17, Physch, atomium, MB_Cyclist, parkinson, Lozzo, ... OGRussHood, lerroyy, misko, MrChobson, dingledork, Jaych, Playmaker6174, Just me, dennischen, Carolin, snowyegret, Gniffel, Schesam, zrbakhtiar, lmdemasi, Bobbobert, EmX68, augsod, dendrobium
Full list


on 28. June 2021, 12:29 by Tojvoh
Beautiful Puzzle. Thanks!

on 28. June 2021, 09:06 by KyleBaran
Quite a lovely puzzle, I enjoyed the logic flow, though I got stuck near the end (due to my poor scanning)

Rating:91 %
Solved:142 times
Observed:12 times

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