Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Knightmaze [sudoku with jousting knights constraint]

(Published on 25. June 2021, 23:38 by SimplePurpleFrog)

Inspired by countless hours of trying to keep up with Cracking the Cryptic and the clarity of Clover's setting masterclass, here is my opening shot at setting.

As this is my first, I wish to insist that this hand-crafted puzzle does not need bifurcation or long chains, after a fast start, there is a little bit of tricky logic in the middle, but compared to most puzzles tackled by Simon Anthony, this should be easier - although as the setter, I am undoubtedly biased.

My goal: something fun and novel.

Rules (Bitte beachten Sie die Regeln auf Deutsch in den Kommentaren):

  • Normal Sudoku rules apply.
  • Arrows: the digit in the circle is the sum of the digits on the arrow.
  • Thermo: digits increase from the bulb end.
  • X: digits sum to 10. No negative constraint.
  • Central square: all digits within the central square must be equal to exactly one of the digits one knight move away.

Please let me know how you get on.

Play it on F-Puzzles (note: the Knights constraint does not work in the solver or conflicts checks, I'm afraid you have to do this yourself).

Additional tags: Arrows, Knight, Thermo.

PS: I checked both manually and with a generic constraint solver, there is one unique solution.

Ich wäre Ihnen dankbar, wenn mir jemand eine Übersetzung meines Rãtsel ins Deutsche zur Verfügung stellen würde.

Solution code: Column 6, Row 6

Last changed on on 2. August 2021, 01:18

Solved by SKORP17, Tilberg, jchan18, zhergan, Piatato, Steven R, XeonRisq, Dentones, loscpi, amarins, antiknight, ashwin, morgannamodeaura, gameface, zlotnleo, zorant, panthchesh, Vebby, apwelho, Nylimb, Chishiri, brandon_bot, geronimo92, Rollo, Puzzle Weasel
Full list


on 11. April 2023, 02:41 by brandon_bot
Nice logic while not being too difficult.

on 2. August 2021, 01:18 by SimplePurpleFrog
Constraint was used before

Last changed on 27. June 2021, 10:45

on 27. June 2021, 10:42 by SimplePurpleFrog
Pointing to the translation of the rules.

Hinweis auf die Übersetzung der Regeln

on 27. June 2021, 10:36 by SimplePurpleFrog
Danke Schön @Tilberg

Last changed on 27. June 2021, 20:46

on 27. June 2021, 00:14 by Tilberg
German rules:

* Es gelten die normalen Sudokuregeln.
* Es gelten zudem die üblichen Pfeil-Sudoku-Regeln: Die Summe aller Ziffern auf einem Pfeil steht im zugehörigen Kreis. Ziffern auf Pfeilen dürfen sich wiederholen, sofern dies nicht anderen Regeln widerspricht.
* Es gelten desweiteren die üblichen Thermometerregeln: Ziffern auf einem Thermometer müssen von der Kuller aus ansteigen.
* Es gelten schließlich die bekannten XV-Regeln: Zwei durch ein X verbundene Ziffern haben die Summe 10. Nicht alle benachbarten Ziffern, deren Summe 10 ist, müssen jedoch zwingend mit einem X verbunden sein.
* Sonderregel für die eingerahmte Mittelregion: Jede ihrer Ziffern muß sich in jenen Zellen, die einen Rösselsprung von ihr entfernt sind, genau einmal wiederholen.

on 26. June 2021, 22:56 by SimplePurpleFrog
Corrected a few spelling mistakes

Last changed on 26. June 2021, 22:58

on 26. June 2021, 22:50 by SimplePurpleFrog
I would be grateful if someone would be so kind as to provide a translation of this puzzle into German.

on 26. June 2021, 22:33 by SimplePurpleFrog
Adding "sudoku" to the title

Last changed on 26. June 2021, 16:43

on 26. June 2021, 15:28 by SimplePurpleFrog
@XeonRisq & @Piatato, thanks, nice to hear.

on 26. June 2021, 03:26 by XeonRisq
Nice puzzle, really liked the interesting knight's move constraint.

on 26. June 2021, 02:39 by Piatato
Fun puzzle! :-)

Rating:90 %
Solved:25 times
Observed:8 times

Puzzle combination Puzzle variant Arithmetic puzzle

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