Weasel dot.com
(Published on 20. June 2021, 08:12 by PrimeWeasel)
Normal Sudoku rules apply. Grey squares are even.
Weasel rules apply. Two orthogonally adjacent digits can not add to 9.
Dot.com rules apply.
A blue dot is placed in a 4-cell region if the diagonally opposing digits have the same difference.
All blue dots are given.
4/6 and 3/5 both have a difference of 2
A red dot is placed in a 4-cell region if the diagonally opposing digits have the same sum.
All red dots are given.
7/5 and 9/3 both sum to 12
Solution code: Column 2, Row 8
Solved by Tilberg, kolot, kroutu, Sktx, henrypijames, grkles, Vebby
on 30. June 2021, 14:28 by grkles
Took me several tries to remember red & blue correctly, but I got there in the end! Really interesting logic :)
on 20. June 2021, 19:07 by Sktx
Very interesting ruleset ! it took me some time to get a hang of its implications. Nice combination with the Weasel rule. Took me just over an hour, but definitely worth trying, great puzzle !
on 20. June 2021, 14:51 by Tilberg
Danke! Cooles neues Regelwerk.
Thanks! Cool new ruleset.