Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

No Escape

(Published on 19. June 2021, 16:00 by XeonRisq)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Numbers along an arrow must sum to the number shown in the circled cells.

Numbers must not repeat in a cage. The numbers in the cage must sum to the given total in the top left corner, if given.

All unnumbered cages (3 in total) sum to the same total.

Numbers along the indicated diagonal must sum to the given total.

F-puzzles link - link to solve online

Solution code: Row 3 followed by Column 4

Solved by cfop, zhergan, OhHeyGuysItsMax, Tilberg, morgannamodeaura, SKORP17, isajo4002, Elliott810
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Last changed on 28. July 2024, 20:52

on 28. July 2024, 09:22 by Elliott810
Hello again;) I'm currently working through your older puzzles, so I'm not commenting on every puzzle. But here I have to. This puzzle is incredibly good. The break-in, the 'work' of the little killer clues: wonderful logic! I'm really proud that I've found 'the escape'. And you can be proud of yourself for this peace of art! What is your own opinion of this puzzle? Thanks:)
Ahh .. working through the catalogue I see. Well you'll find that when I started it will be evident that I was figuring things out (mostly on my own, so there are some duds here and there)
As far as my opinion of the puzzle, I rather enjoyed the exploration of the interactions between the constraints, especially in symmetrical layouts. Of the two layouts I prefer the lower left arrangement as there is a bit more bite with this one as the arrow circles, arrow ends and cage leftovers all play a significant role.
Thanks for the feedback, and extra thanks for requesting my opinion; I'm pretty sure this is my first self-criticism on a comment!

Solved:8 times
Observed:10 times

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