Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Cool Magic Horses

(Published on 19. June 2021, 15:04 by ebbelwoi)

  • Normal Sudoku-rules apply.
  • Antiknight: Cells wich are a chess-knight's move apart must not contain the same digit.
  • Magic Squares: The coloured cells form two magic squares. Each row, every column and both diagonals add to the same sum.
  • Thermometer: Digits along a thermometer must strictly increase from the bulb-end.
You can try it at f-puzzles

Solution code: 3rd row and 7th column.

Solved by SKORP17, saskia-daniela, Rodr1gues_gamer, Isa, soroush, wilsig, jkl, cfop, JoWovrin, ___, bcsj, jimblek, kkli, Steven R, matiasv5, Julianl, samuella, apendleton, ehollins, Kilonum, rodger, Hajuhn, zhergan, zorant, CyberMonkey, jchan18, Uhu, ManuH, jalebc, Crul, Raistlen, zrbakhtiar, PinkNickels, Carolin
Full list


on 24. June 2021, 13:30 by ebbelwoi
So you didn't prove but you bet on it.
I mean, although that's very fine, it is not really worth mentioning, is it?

on 22. June 2021, 03:30 by Hajuhn
Pretty sure as a magic square it needs digits 1-9

on 20. June 2021, 01:21 by ebbelwoi
Just to clarify, that is an interesting question.

on 19. June 2021, 22:01 by OhHeyGuysItsMax
Just to clarify, does the light green/yellow magic square contain all digits 1-9 like the other one, or can it contain repeats?

Rating:84 %
Solved:34 times
Observed:11 times

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