Normal Killer and Little Killer Sudoku rules apply.
In addition digits in the same position relative to their boxes are anti-disjoint, i.e. must be selected from exactly three different digits.
Since the last part of the rules is not standard, here is an example:
In this grid the bottom right corners of the boxes satisfy the anti-disjointness constraint, while the top left corners do not (even though they are not disjoint, they are not maximally so).
Solution code: Row 5 (left to right)
on 24. October 2021, 13:16 by uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt.
on 25. June 2021, 07:29 by brandon_bot
I was surprised how differently this solves to Anti-Disjoint Thermo. Again, such unique logic!
[And thanks! :) Yeah, I think this variant has some potential for interesting puzzles on the easier side]
on 21. June 2021, 14:32 by Rollo
Please add sudoku icon.
on 19. June 2021, 13:51 by RayneHaleOfficial
Great puzzle!
on 18. June 2021, 14:41 by DVFrank
Changed difficulty to 2 stars
on 18. June 2021, 14:21 by chongyeu
another fascinating puzzle from you, mr. TBFrank. The ruleset changes so much and opens some new fascinating possibilities. Also I like the use of those diagonal arrows on the side in this puzzle.
on 18. June 2021, 10:12 by CJK
Since this is a sudoku puzzle, could you please add the sudoku tag? :)
on 18. June 2021, 08:24 by DVFrank
Changed some wording
on 18. June 2021, 03:16 by cdwg2000
Very beautiful rule set, not difficult but very interesting! Only 3 numbers appearing in the same place reminds me of the naming of the rule set "Anti-Diagonal" where only 3 numbers appear on the diagonal, so I recommend the naming "Anti-Disjoint".
[Thanks a lot for the feedback! :) "Anti-Disjoint" sounds quite nice, I think I'll go along with that.]
on 17. June 2021, 23:10 by DVFrank
Fixed a typo