Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

? Marks the Spot

(Published on 17. June 2021, 07:17 by SSG)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Antiknight: Cells separated by a chess knight's move may not contain the same digit.

Arrow: Cells along an arrow must sum to the digit in the connected circle.

Between Lines: Digits on the line must have values between those of the two circles at the ends of the line.

Little Killer: Arrows outside the grid indicate the sum of all digits along the indicate diagonal. The variable X has the same value in all locations it appears.

Odd/Even: Cells marked with a gray circle must contain odd digits. Those marked with a gray square must contain even digits.

Palindromes: Green lines indicate palindromes. The sequence of digits along each of these lines must read the same in either direction.

Thermometers: Digits along a thermometer strictly increase from the bulb end.

XV: Cells connected by an X must sum to 10. Those connected by a V must sum to 5. Not all possible XV clues are given.

Note that clues are straight lines.

f-puzzles: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=yhsswud8

CTC: https://tinyurl.com/3uh96tby

Solution code: Column 5, row 8

Last changed on on 3. September 2021, 21:11

Solved by cdwg2000, rmahus, crosslegged, cfop, Ragna, nordloc, baracartas, ___, jchan18, SKORP17, Shmartus, zorant, morgannamodeaura, lovely, flo_310, KatiBru, jadezki, karen_birgitta, finger
Full list


on 3. September 2021, 21:11 by SSG
Added CTC app link.

on 26. July 2021, 04:54 by SSG
Added tags. So, so many tags.

on 17. June 2021, 17:35 by SSG
Edited to clarify the palindrome rule.

Last changed on 17. June 2021, 17:09

on 17. June 2021, 16:30 by SKORP17
Das ist ziemlich unklar :

Digits along one of these lines must read the same in either direction.

nur 1 (so ist das eigentlich lt. Beschreibung) von 6 oder jeweils 1 von den beiden gekreutzten oder doch alle 6

Rating:87 %
Solved:19 times
Observed:11 times

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