Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Congrats Rangsk

(Published on 14. June 2021, 05:52 by panthchesh)

Normal Sudoku Rules apply. Shade some cells to help you solve this puzzle.

Clues outside the grid can be either for Japanese Sum Sudoku or Sandwich clues (with coloring)

Nonogram/Japanese Sum Sudoku rules apply. Sums are of shaded cells. If all the cells in a row or column are the same color, then the clue is that color as well. Any clue in black represents clues in more than one color (each grouping is a different clue, so 5 20 could mean a group of blue adding to 5 and a group of red adding to 20). A blank space is required between groups of the same color, but not between other colors.

Sandwich clues apply -- digits outside the grid may represent sandwich clues (between the 1 and 9) when shading the 1 and 9 are included in that group!

Example Clue: 3 4 6 could be simply a red 3, blue 4, space(s), blue 6, or red 3, blue 4, red 1 then red 5, OR it could be red 1, red 3, red 9, blue 4, red 6.. or any combination thereof.

Congrats to Rangsk on getting 500 subscribers! I know you will get many more! Your livestreams are a LOT of fun!! :)

F-Puzzles Penpa

To make the rules clearer (as suggested by Sktx)
1) the sandwich clues are ALSO nonogram clues.
2) If all the SHADED (or COLORED) cells in a row or column are the same color, then the clue is that color as well. (if only red was used in that row/column, then the clue is red. If only blue was used in that row/column, then the clue is blue.)

Solution code: Row 9

Last changed on on 15. June 2021, 16:51

Solved by geronimo92, Rangsk, Sktx, PjotrV, Polycarp, Florian Wortmann, Vebby, cfop, OGRussHood, doyle524
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on 24. October 2021, 12:11 by uvo_mod
Label ergänzt.

on 15. June 2021, 16:51 by panthchesh
Made the rules clearer (I hope).

on 15. June 2021, 06:08 by Rangsk
Thank you so much for making this puzzle for me!

on 14. June 2021, 15:20 by panthchesh
To clarify: if only red was used in that row/column, then the clue is red. If only blue was used in that row/column, then the clue is blue.

Also you can watch the live solve of this puzzle on Rangsk's livestream : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6l9D6qZY5OU&t=2561s

on 14. June 2021, 05:53 by panthchesh
Let me know if you think the difficulty of this is incorrect. Thanks!

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Observed:9 times

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