Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

A Hippie's Dreamcatcher

(Published on 13. June 2021, 11:24 by Sktx)

Exploring arrows and friends : one thermo and some odd/even marks. The break-in might be hard to find, but I find it quite interesting. The difficulty is estimated without the help of hints (see below if needed).

==== LINKS ====

Penpa link (colored) (odd/even marks and the diagonal line are dotted)

F-puzzles link (mostly greyscale) (odd/even marks are grey. see colors to disambiguate arrows.)

==== RULES ====

Diagonal Sudoku rules apply : fill the grid with digits 1 to 9 appearing each once in every row, column, 3x3 box, and on the diagonal marked with a line.

Arrows : Digits along an arrow sum to the arrow circle. On arrows with multiple heads, each path from an arrow head to the circle must sum to the circle. Digits can repeat along an arrow if allowed by other rules.

Thermometers : Digits on a thermometer must strictly increase from its bulb to each of its heads.

Odds and Evens : Cells marked with a circle (except arrow bulbs) must contain odd digits. Cells marked with a square must contain even digits.

==== HINTS ====


Look at the whole picture.


SET (Set Equivalence Theory) is needed for a satisfying break-in. Here is a good introduction to it by Shye : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y7qo8JiLtE


Huge thanks to Swaroop from Penpa for helping me understand how to use the software correctly ! Also big thanks to @XeonRisq, and others on the CtC discord channel, (Mad-Tyas, ZombieHunter, Plostonifor...) for early testing, or giving me some advice on setting this puzzle.

Solution code: Digits from row 5 (left to right) and then column 8 (top to bottom), with no space. 18 digits total.

Last changed on on 15. June 2021, 17:56

Solved by Mad-Tyas, XeonRisq, Zombie Hunter, flaemmchen, SKORP17, ebbelwoi, OGRussHood, lerroyy
Full list


on 24. October 2021, 12:00 by uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt.

on 15. June 2021, 17:56 by Sktx
Added German (Google) translation

Last changed on 15. June 2021, 01:12

on 14. June 2021, 21:49 by Zombie Hunter
How hard was this to set!

@Zombie Hunter : very hard indeed ! not because the idea was particularly clever, but because I really had to try hard to make it work. I actually thought at one point that I was trying to use an impossible pattern. I went on to check that it was indeed impossible by bruteforcing candidates somewhere, and actually found a combination that worked. Lucky me :).

Last changed on 13. June 2021, 20:46

on 13. June 2021, 20:22 by XeonRisq
Nice puzzle, enjoyed the interactions between constraints.

@XeonRisq : Thanks a lot. I tried to change the central box, but didn't get much better than just trading some odd marks for some even marks. At least the pattern feels more readable now. Thank you for the early advices, as a beginner in puzzle setting I really appreciate it.

on 13. June 2021, 15:22 by Sktx
changed f-puzzles URL

on 13. June 2021, 14:58 by Mad-Tyas
Really enjoyed testing this one. A very nice puzzle!

Last changed on 13. June 2021, 15:24

on 13. June 2021, 14:51 by SKORP17
der link zu f-puzzles funktioniert nicht (mehr)

@SKORP17 : Es tut uns leid. Ich habe es geändert, hoffentlich funktioniert es jetzt. (Google Übersetzung : "Sorry. I changed it, hopefully now it will work.")

Solved:8 times
Observed:9 times

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