Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 10. June 2021, 12:01 by Lakritze)

Normal sudoku rules apply. Cells a knight's move apart cannot contain the same number. Cells with a black dot are in the ratio 1:2. Cells with a white dot are consecutive. Not all dots are given.

The puzzle also available at F-Puzzles. Enjoy!

Solution code: column 9

Solved by Cane_Puzzles, zorant, Ragna, zhergan, Yerui, Fedo , SKORP17, jkl, Nusi, cfop, NC1403, chris21, matiasv5, jchan18, MB_Cyclist, Goofy, bobbybigbucks, Enkerro, MrTibbs, Crystal Phoenix, w3leong, ... ForrestJax, vmirandaa, Deepus, jguer, Crul, tsc, Gosciola19, Miaocik, avahales, flaemmchen, rcg, PinkNickels, KatiBru, TJReds, Carolin, Omnicole, zrbakhtiar, Schesam, pepe74287, augsod, forsen
Full list


on 22. October 2021, 13:41 by uvo_mod
Labels angepasst.

on 5. July 2021, 03:22 by dmacho24
I too was stumped until I remembered the knight's constraint! Very nice puzzle!

on 12. June 2021, 04:36 by sPaulding
Oh boy, is this puzzle much harder if you don't read the knights constraint rule until 15 minutes in.

Great puzzle! (Once you read the rules :P )

on 10. June 2021, 18:31 by Lakritze
@Ragna danke dir!
@Goofy thank you! Always those damn numbers...:D

on 10. June 2021, 17:34 by Goofy
Took may waaay longer than anticipated, but that's because I, for some reason, thought that the neighbors of 8 are 6 and 7... Well, nice puzzle anyways :D

on 10. June 2021, 13:22 by Ragna
Sehr schön flüssig zu lösen. Vielen Dank. :-))

Rating:87 %
Solved:119 times
Observed:9 times

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