Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

红葉puzzles(PP105): Slitherlink017--Must be connected

(Published on 10. June 2021, 09:28 by cdwg2000)

Authorized by the author 红葉(MOMIJI), he plans to publish his hand-made standard puzzles on this website, with 1 to 2 questions per week. If you like it and have good suggestions, you can leave a message.

Author: 红葉 (MOMIJI), from China, this question comes from his personal blog.


Draw a single continuous loop by connecting neighboring dots along the dotted lines. The numbers indicate how many edges of a cell are used for the loop. The loop may not touch or cross itself, and it doesn't need to touch all of the dots.


Nikoli linkfor an example.

Click to enter PZV link

Click to enter Penpa link

Click to enter Janko web

Solution code: For each row the longest run of cells inside the loop.

Last changed on on 30. July 2021, 12:30

Solved by Nusi, Statistica, Bobby, Nothere, zorant, CHalb, CJK, saskia-daniela, PaulaW, Raistlen, Uhu, sesquilinear, plur, misko, Jesper, moss, MariaL, Joo M.Y, WallE-93, Dandelo, Zzzyxas, tuace, ... baracartas, Joe Average, cha, jogerth, zebraze, pieter888, derwolf23, bakpao, JJJnoway, h5663454, RobertBe, Polyprism, Kekes, schlathubali, jkuo7, rebca, Krokant, KNT, dendrobium, jsxft, Echatsum
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on 22. October 2021, 13:40 by uvo_mod
Anfänger-Label entfernt.

on 13. June 2021, 03:00 by cdwg2000
If you need to use Penpa's auxiliary line segments, please select "Sub-Help(x)" and switch between "Normal" and "Help(x)".

on 13. June 2021, 01:44 by cdwg2000
I added a complete problem-solving process in the hidden comment area. If you encounter logic difficulties in the process of solving the problem, you can leave a message in the hidden comment area.

In a word: if you can't find the correct logic of problem-solving, you may not be able to successfully solve the problem through a lot of T&E.

Rating:88 %
Solved:69 times
Observed:3 times

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