Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Killomino Sudoku

(Published on 10. June 2021, 03:54 by Phistomefel)

This puzzle is a crossover of a Killer Sudoku and a Fillomino and is probably one of my hardest puzzles so far. It is inspired by SirWoezel's fantastic Fillomino-ish Killer Sudoku, but features a modified ruleset.

About the rules:
  • Normal Sudoku rules apply.
  • The grid has to be divided into different areas such that orthogonally adjacent areas contain different numbers of cells. Every cell is part of exactly one area.
  • Numbers may not repeat within a area. An area can contain no clue, one or more clues. All clues in an area must be identical and indicate the sum of the digits in the area.
For clarification: It is possible that two adjacent areas sum up to the same number, as long as their size is different.

A small hint for labelling the areas:
In my experience, it is helpful to color areas of the same size identically, as it makes it easier to spot which size new areas can have.

For illustration, here is an example on a 6x6 grid:

If you want to try the example first, you find a link here.

The actual puzzle is also available online via Penpa Plus. Have fun solving!

Solution code: 1st and 7th column

Last changed on on 15. March 2023, 14:37

Solved by cdwg2000, Jesper, SirWoezel, Tilberg, SudokuExplorer, MagnusJosefsson, henrypijames, polar, Grothenlace, PulverizingPancake, DiMono, abed hawila, MariaL, SenatorGronk, dori_polic, TotallyNormalCat, ... Leonard Hal, flyjim, Agent, AnnaTh, zhergan, konklone, pkp, widjo, akamchinjir, Bobbobert, dennischen, Wooden_Picks, Piatato, karlmortenlunna, Myxo, jinkela114514, cytCoye, lpq29743, h5663454
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on 25. September 2023, 10:00 by Piatato
Awesome puzzle, hugely enjoyable! Here's a new penpa link (the old one seems to not work any longer):

on 27. March 2023, 06:40 by konklone
I'm so glad I stuck with this one (chipped away at it over several nights) - it's truly a great and it feels great to have solved it myself. Thank you for setting such an intricate and strange puzzle!

on 15. March 2023, 14:37 by Phistomefel
Tag "Killer" hinzugefügt.

on 16. November 2022, 12:16 by Agent
What a magnificent puzzle! One of my favourites from you. I was intrigued by the ruleset, and I'm glad I solved it, the execution is so good. Thanks Phistomefel!

on 20. September 2022, 19:04 by Al Fresco
I loved the logic in this puzzle. The solve just flowed so well :)

on 17. September 2022, 15:15 by Niverio
I had watched "100 Minutes of Solitude" when it first came out. Ever since I had told myself that I am gonna solve this puzzle too, after a long time passes so I forget the video completely and enjoy the logic.

It was well worth the wait. This puzzle is a masterpiece in all aspects. And it was also more proof about how puzzle solving has evolved since then, since it took me just over an hour. Phenomenal puzzle.

on 9. July 2022, 08:22 by KNT
Somewhat mad at myself for not doing this sooner. Phenomenally good

on 27. June 2022, 22:53 by Christounet
Eureka ! Finally got it !! I started this one quite some time ago but I got stuck around box 3 and could not unlock it until this evening when I finally had the right thought. So happy that I could do it because it was an extraordinary puzzle all the way through ! Now I can rest...

on 7. November 2021, 12:54 by dissonance
Awesome puzzle, beautiful logic and very enjoyable to solve.
Thanks for sharing.

on 6. August 2021, 16:38 by Prutsbeest
Very nice logic indeed! After doing the example 6x6, the logic flowed very smoothly for me. Was able to do it in less than 2 hours, which I'd like to call a victory :)
Thanks for making these lovely puzzles Phistomefel!

on 21. June 2021, 21:07 by Vebby
Brilliant! Thanks Phistomefel!

on 17. June 2021, 20:23 by clohrmann
I had a great time with this one! I love puzzles where I have to deduce the regions. I agree with Farkov that I did not find this as hard as other 5 star puzzles you normally make. It was borderline 4/5 for me.

on 17. June 2021, 12:34 by Farkov
Thank you Thomas, that was an absolute cracker :)

My brain quite liked that one, I didn't find it as difficult as one of your usual 5-star puzzles. Very nice indeed.

on 16. June 2021, 23:54 by SSG
110 minutes, and yet it never felt like I'd stopped making progress. I can't begin to imagine how you kept the difficulty so consistent through this entire solve. Just incredible!

on 14. June 2021, 08:03 by Mody
Fantastisch, man kann gar nicht aufhören :)

on 13. June 2021, 03:03 by LucyH
One of the most fun, challenging and rewarding puzzles I have ever encountered! Stunning setting Phistomefel!

on 12. June 2021, 23:42 by SirSchmoopy
I felt compelled to finish this after you said it was one of your hardest/i wanted to prove I could do something like this.

It took multiple attempts at this, I would go until I got something wrong/broke the puzzle, and then completely restarted from the beginning until I could do the entire thing just with logic and no brute forcing.

It was a learning experience (i.e. I made a TON of mistakes, and it took me many attempts). I must have spent at least 10 hours on this puzzle, but I finally did it, and I didn't get any help or make any 'guesses' along the way.

I'm glad I kept up with it, this puzzle was brilliant. I can't even begin to imagine how you constructed it.

on 11. June 2021, 16:29 by PixelPlucker
Very long and rewarding solve!

on 11. June 2021, 16:08 by Storm
Wow! Beautiful and interesting logic!

on 11. June 2021, 13:41 by Statistica
Ganz klasse. Hat Spaß gemacht.

Last changed on 11. June 2021, 17:33

on 11. June 2021, 09:49 by Phistomefel
Wow! Thank you very much for the overwhelming feedback, folks. And of course, for giving the puzzle a go.

on 11. June 2021, 08:54 by udukos
Fantastic and spicy!

on 11. June 2021, 06:40 by TotallyNormalCat
Wonderful puzzle as always
I have a feeling Simon will show this comment section in the video
Hello Simon :)

on 11. June 2021, 01:58 by MariaL
Extraordinary masterpiece! Loved it!

Last changed on 11. June 2021, 01:20

on 11. June 2021, 01:20 by abed hawila
Wow! Magnificent puzzle! Finally managed to solve it, I never thought I would, especially because I am not used to anything other than sudoku. The puzzle solves smoothly with some tricky deductions but never impossible, I get stuck for a while before I noticed that I misplaced a digit, but after that everything was smooth. Thank you so much Phistomefel!

on 11. June 2021, 01:09 by DiMono
Almost exactly three hours for me. I had a silly mistake near the end, but aside from that, it was a smooth (yet hard) solve. Very nice.

on 10. June 2021, 18:44 by polar
Magnificent puzzle as always! I actually found it a lot more intuitive than some of your other brutal (but wonderful) puzzles - your warning had me fearful :)

Lovely interaction between the two rulesets. Tight solving path but I never felt particularly 'stuck', as has been known to happen for me. Very satisfying solve indeed!

Last changed on 11. June 2021, 14:59

on 10. June 2021, 18:15 by henrypijames
I need to get up really early tomorrow, so I repeatedly forced myself to put this puzzle down and go to sleep. But every time before I actually fell asleep, I picked it up again - until I finished it. I'll surely regret the lack of sleep tomorrow, but right now I'm just so happy. :)

Additional tip: Since coloring was needed to mark the differently-sized fillominos, I used shapes (differently-oriented dotted triangles) to mark cells that had to contain the same digits (basically coloring with shapes). It didn't help that much, but it did help at a few important junctions.

on 10. June 2021, 16:13 by MagnusJosefsson
Really wonderful! This puzzle-type in general is a lot of fun, but this puzzle was particularly clever and creative. So many moments staring at the puzzle before suddenly getting the right idea and the next step becomes obvious. Thank you Phistomefel!

Last changed on 10. June 2021, 16:13

on 10. June 2021, 16:13 by SudokuExplorer
Wonderful puzzle with some clever and very entertaining logic throughout! The ruleset is a perfect combination of the two puzzle types, and the 6x6 was a great preparation puzzle too. Thanks a lot for setting this beauty! :-)

on 10. June 2021, 15:45 by Tilberg
Kruzitürken, das war ein Ritt! Danke!

on 10. June 2021, 14:21 by SirWoezel
What a gem. And thanks for mentioning my puzzle was somehow an inspiration. Made me quite happy.

on 10. June 2021, 12:50 by Jesper
Great puzzle! A very intuitive ruleset for a mix between Killer and Fillomino.

on 10. June 2021, 11:47 by SirWoezel
Lol... 136 minutes in and I just discovered I broke the puzzle somehow. And I was so sure the deductions were solid! I haven't been able to solve several of your puzzles, but I'll be darned if this is going to be one of them!

on 10. June 2021, 07:26 by cdwg2000
Very nice!

Rating:99 %
Solved:84 times
Observed:12 times

Puzzle combination Online solving tool Arithmetic puzzle Dissection puzzle

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