Sudoku Sum Pointers
Inspiration for this type comes from glum_hippo.
Solve online in F-Puzzles (thx to SudokuExplorer!)
Apply classic sudoku rules.
A plus sign between two horizontal neighbouring cells indicates that the sum of the digits is equal to the first (leftmost) digit in the respective row. A plus sign between two vertical neighbouring cells indicates that the sum is equal to the firs (topmost) digit in the respective column. All possible plus signs are given.
Solve online in Penpa+ (thx to Henry!)
Solution code: Row 7, followed by column 7.
on 22. October 2021, 13:11 by uvo_mod
Label "Online Solving Tool" ergänzt.
on 24. June 2021, 06:32 by Richard
Added links for online solving. Thanks SudokuExplorer and Henry!
on 10. June 2021, 07:39 by cam
Very cool :)
on 9. June 2021, 14:42 by marcmees
thanks Richard
on 9. June 2021, 14:41 by Dina
Fun and easy puzzle!
on 9. June 2021, 11:17 by Piatato
Fun variant! :-)
on 9. June 2021, 10:24 by cfop
Improved Penpa version:
on 9. June 2021, 04:47 by wrightbr3
The penpa link appears to be incorrect. I.e the given digits are in the wrong place
on 9. June 2021, 04:27 by glum_hippo
This idea of using XY-Sums in absence of XY-Differences is entirely yours, but I'm flattered by the comparison! Very nice puzzle!
on 9. June 2021, 03:22 by henrypijames
*Corrected* Penpa+:
My apologies for the mistake. I was busy during the day so after putting it into Penpa I left it there. I started to solve it just now and quickly realized something was wrong.
on 9. June 2021, 00:33 by SudokuExplorer
Here's a F-Puzzles link: