Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 7. June 2021, 19:47 by Qodec)

Defend the castle! Get your sumguns and knowledge bombs and man the mathlements!

  • Normal sudoku rules apply.
  • Arrows: Digits along an arrow in the grid must sum to the digit in its circle.
  • Odd: Cells with an opaque grey circle must be odd.

You can play this puzzle online using sudokulab: https://sudokulab.net/?pzl=_3fXCRws.

Good luck!

P.S. Please don't hesitate to request a Penpa+ link, in case sudokulab doesn't work well on mobile. I'll be happy to provide one if necessary.

Solution code: Rows 4 and 9. I.e. the 9 digits in row 4 from left to right, followed by the 9 digits in row 9 from left to right, for example: 123456789123456789

Solved by abed hawila, dori_polic, polar, Playmaker6174, PotatoHead21, cdwg2000, Statistica, Phistomefel, Danica, Jesper, zhergan, smistry, FzFeather, teddySMI, JeffWajes, twototenth, Daniel10001, SKORP17, ... Pibonacci, Vebby, StefanSch, Uhu, twobear, holler7, Xendari, AvonD, OGRussHood, Megalobrainiac, Just me, Bellsita, fjam, SXH, SpecSheets, StephenR, Bobbobert, valle1124, by81996672, benzonitrile
Full list


on 10. May 2024, 20:40 by StephenR
Very clever puzzle, thanks. The start was very tricky for me, but then it did let up a little.

on 22. October 2021, 13:05 by uvo_mod
Labels angepasst.

on 12. June 2021, 14:04 by sandrokv
f-puzzles always drives my cpu usage very high, so thanks for providing this awesome puzzle in sudokulab

on 12. June 2021, 05:53 by tallcat
Outstanding puzzle, as always!

on 11. June 2021, 21:21 by Daniel10001
Another super-puzzle by qodec. Loved the solve

on 8. June 2021, 11:32 by Phistomefel
@PotatoHead21: SudokuLab actually allows you to directly transfer the Sudoku to f-puzzles. You just need to go to the tab Edit and click on -> f-puzzles.

on 8. June 2021, 07:18 by cdwg2000
Very nice!difficulty<4.

on 8. June 2021, 06:16 by PotatoHead21
can you post an fpuzzles link?

on 8. June 2021, 06:12 by Playmaker6174
Very delicate setting! This puzzle is so satisfying to solve, I enjoyed every second of the solve. Thank you for this incredible puzzle :)

on 8. June 2021, 01:29 by polar
A joy to solve - thanks!

Rating:99 %
Solved:51 times
Observed:11 times

Puzzle variant Online solving tool

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