Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Imaginary Sudoku

(Published on 4. June 2021, 17:57 by panthchesh)

This puzzles uses the numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, i, 2i, 3i, 4i.

Normal sudoku rules apply. Shade some cells to help you solve this puzzle.

Japanese Sum rules apply. Numbers outside the grid sum shaded regions. Shaded regions are contiguous and must be separated by at least 1 unshaded cell.

Little Killer rules apply: The sum along the diagonals are given. Digits may repeat.

In penpa, if you can't write 4i, change the size of the number.

Penpa Link

Solution code: Column 8

Last changed on on 28. March 2024, 04:35

Solved by RockyRoer, kublai, SenatorGronk, KlausRG, DamnedLight, Vebby, skywalker, Montinox, effervescentblizzard, doyle524, zorant, SamuPiano, DiMono, Terrapin, TVDK
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on 28. March 2024, 06:05 by SamuPiano
Fun puzzle, and great theme!

on 28. March 2024, 04:35 by panthchesh
Updating link. the old one was broken

on 14. October 2021, 13:25 by uvo_mod
Labels angepasst.

on 4. June 2021, 18:23 by RockyRoer
This was so fun to test solve! Don't be put off by the imaginary numbers -- they actually make this EASIER than normal because all the sums are relatively small. Just remember to combine like terms - real numbers with real numbers and i's with i's. Good luck!

Rating:98 %
Solved:15 times
Observed:11 times

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