Hello, here is a puzzle with quiet long rules... However, they are not complicated, contrarily to the puzzle (I hope...)
penpa link: https://git.io/JGVKY
Normal sudoku - antiknight - sandwich
antiknight: identical numbers can not be a knight's move apart (in chess)
sandwich: numbers outside the grid indicate the sum of the numbers sandwiched between the 1 and 9 in the corresponding row/column.
In addition, a 1-cell wide closed loop that can't touch itself (even diagonally) represents a horse obstacle course. Given sandwich clues indicate ALL the rows/columns containing an obstacle. An obstacle is the cells sandwiched between the 1 and 9 in that row/column. The path must pass over all obstacles exactly once, and cannot turn over the obstacle. It cannot contain any 1s or 9s (even if they are not part of an obstacle). A negative constraint apply, i.e. the path cannot correctly pass over an obstacle in a row/col without a sandwich clue.
Green squares can't be on the path and indicate how many neighboring cells are part of the path (orthogonally and diagonally). Their value is indicated in the cell corner.
X value must be found by the solver.
Solution code: Box 1 (top left), row by row, from top to bottom, left to right. No spaces.
on 14. October 2021, 12:37 by uvo_mod
Labels angepasst.
on 5. June 2021, 18:05 by Azireo
on 5. June 2021, 17:57 by Azireo
Made the negative constraint more explicit in the rules.
on 4. June 2021, 14:44 by Azireo
Made the rumes a bit clearer.
on 3. June 2021, 00:23 by Azireo
Typo, changed blue to green
on 3. June 2021, 00:14 by Azireo
on 3. June 2021, 00:13 by Azireo
Fixed the puzzle. I forgot the given 1
on 2. June 2021, 22:31 by Azireo
Forgot the penpa+ link...