Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

6x6 Chaos Constructions: X-Sums

(Published on 2. June 2021, 01:00 by SudokuExplorer)

These 6x6 chaos construction puzzles are inspired by abed hawila's interesting X-Sums Chaos Construction. They should be fairly suitable for beginners.

1. Divide the grid into six regions, each containing six cells. These regions must be orthogonally connected.

2. Each row, column and region contains the digits 1 to 6.

3. A clue outside the grid indicates that the first X cells in the row/column from that direction are in the same region, where X is the digit in the first cell from that direction. Moreover, the next cell (the (X+1)th cell) is part of a different region.

4. A numerical clue is the sum of the digits in those X cells. If the sum is not given, it is indicated by a question mark (?). Not all outside clues are necessarily given.

Below is a 5x5 example puzzle. You can try it on Penpa+.
You can try the below pair of puzzles on Penpa+. Enjoy!

Solution code: Enter the second and fourth rows of the 1st puzzle.
Enter the second and fourth rows of the 2nd puzzle.
For each boundary edge within the row, enter the capital letter I.
For example, the second row in the 5x5 example is 2I5I431.

Last changed on on 3. June 2021, 19:09

Solved by Mark Sweep, Playmaker6174, BADG3RMAN, William Cheese, Mody, Cane_Puzzles, abed hawila, Jesper, cdwg2000, ranhothchord, Phistomefel, saskia-daniela, Panthera, marcmees, zorant, Dina, VykkDraygo, ... underdude, irq, by81996672, sadalone, rimodech, DanyMoreira60, nordloc, Uhu, akamchinjir, h5663454, KNT, guihori, Alfred, teff, Euclid, zrbakhtiar, cornuto, RyanDuarte56, teuthida, Calesch, jogerth
Full list


on 14. October 2021, 12:06 by uvo_mod
Labels angepasst.

on 3. July 2021, 17:46 by Lizzy01
I think you might like this too:


on 3. June 2021, 19:09 by SudokuExplorer
Fixed minor typo in solution code: "fourth" instead of "forth"

Last changed on 2. June 2021, 21:28

on 2. June 2021, 19:54 by Dina
Very fun mini puzzles! :-D
Thanks Dina! They were also fun to set :-)

Last changed on 2. June 2021, 21:27

on 2. June 2021, 18:34 by marcmees
crafty little puzzles. thanks.
Thanks marcmees! I had fun setting them, so I'm glad you enjoyed the logic :-)

Last changed on 2. June 2021, 21:25

on 2. June 2021, 13:47 by Phistomefel
Wonderful little puzzles! Thank you, SudokuExplorer! :)
Thanks for giving them a go! I'm really pleased you enjoyed these miniatures :-)

Last changed on 2. June 2021, 21:23

on 2. June 2021, 12:59 by cdwg2000
Thank you, very good entry. It is also very good to introduce "I" in the answer submission method regarding the division of regions.
I decided to use this variation of the solution code, since it's probably simpler to understand and more concise. I'm really pleased you enjoyed them :-)

Last changed on 2. June 2021, 21:14

on 2. June 2021, 12:02 by abed hawila
I was wondering why suddenly my puzzle was getting more solves ;).
Great construction, I loved them, Thank you :)
Haha! Thanks for your creativity in coming up with an intriguing and fun ruleset. I'm glad you had an enjoyable solve :-)

Last changed on 2. June 2021, 21:10

on 2. June 2021, 11:13 by Cane_Puzzles
I'm not good at puzzles where I need to discover the regions. This was the perfect difficulty for me. I want more of these. Thanks!
I also used to struggle with this type, but the very creative puzzles by Hong Weihua (uploaded by cdwg2000) gave me more confidence. I highly recommend trying some of the 1 and 2 star difficult puzzles via the Chaos Construction tag, and then when you feel more confident do try some of the others. Btw I have made a 7x7 version which I'll upload in a week or two. I'm relieved that these were of the right difficulty :-)

Last changed on 2. June 2021, 21:01

on 2. June 2021, 06:57 by William Cheese
I love it.
I'm really pleased that you found them entertaining :-)

Last changed on 2. June 2021, 21:00

on 2. June 2021, 04:02 by Playmaker6174
Perfect puzzles for a new day here :)
While the first puzzle is a lovely start, the second one is a really nice treat for me (especially those final deductions).
Thanks a lot Playmaker6174! They were a lot of fun to make, as well. I'm glad you enjoyed the logic :-)

Last changed on 2. June 2021, 20:57

on 2. June 2021, 02:07 by Mark Sweep
Lovely little treats!
Cheers Mark! I'm pleased you enjoyed them :-)

Rating:97 %
Solved:64 times
Observed:10 times

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