Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Half-Caged Diagonals (Sudoku)

(Published on 30. May 2021, 22:35 by PDN777)

Normal sudoku rules apply. Standard killer cage, main diagonal, and thermo rules apply. To wit: digits in killer cages must sum to the number in the upper left-hand corner of the cage. Digits may not repeat in cages. Digits on the two main diagonals may not repeat. Along thermos, digits must increase from the bulb end. Comments welcome!

Play here: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=yhkhqo2z

Solution code: First row of puzzle

Solved by subtize, ranhothchord, Konzert, BlackApolloX, sirtramola, DanyMoreira60, Greg, zhergan, kkli, jack123, abed hawila, Geoteve, nunc, fpac, zer0keefie, Markyboy, Cykonaught, meowzzz, eaup, ehollins, ... MoHaMeD05, pepe74287, Jordan Timm, CyanMystic, josemadre, Crul, beavr, Thomster, Dez256, Kekes, Montikulum, Rearden, cozoq, LachyDachy, Rüdiger, naggy, latters176, drf93, tkrahn98, Cezarr, koiking
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on 15. April 2024, 00:23 by cozoq
Surprisingly finished in just 12 minutes! Thought this would take longer, but the clues flow together nicely!

Last changed on 27. November 2021, 18:37

on 27. November 2021, 15:22 by Moses*
Wir scheinen Fortschritte zu machen, so konnte ich dieses sehr schöne Puzzle beim zweiten Anlauf knacken.
Besten Dank an PDN

** Sehr gut. Dieses Puzzle hat eine interessante Käfiglogik.

on 6. October 2021, 16:54 by uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt.

Rating:83 %
Solved:174 times
Observed:10 times

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