Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 30. May 2021, 15:59 by Emphyrio)

Link: F-puzzles link to Snake-in-the-Box


  • -Classic sudoku rules apply.
  • -Each Box contains a 9 cell long 1 cell wide orthogonal "pathpix" (a snake that can touch itself orthogonally), with 1 being the head and 9 being the tail. They contain all the digits 1 to 9 once (obviously in this case since they are restrained in a sudoku box).
  • -The large circles in each cell indicate digits that are at their correct place in the snake, with 1 always being in first place so always circled and 9 always being in last place so always circled as well. For instance, a circle in in the cell adjacent to the 1 on the snake would necessarily contain a 2, etc (see example picture). All circles are given!
  • -the 2 grey vertical inequality signs between two cells indicate an inequality between the digits in these 2 cells.

example :This is a valid pathix constrained within a box
The 4 and 6 are in 4th and 6th position in the snake, while all uncircled digits are not at their correct position (the 3 is in second position, the 8 in third, etc).

    Many thanks to Zetamath and his beautiful puzzles for the idea of the circles!

Solution code: Enter row9 and column 7

Last changed on on 4. June 2021, 05:42

Solved by zetamath, hints_, PjotrV, Zombie Hunter, Uhu, OGRussHood, codewizard, tuturitu
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on 6. October 2021, 16:36 by uvo_mod
Labels angepasst.

on 28. September 2021, 06:22 by Zombie Hunter
The start of the puzzle was very well done. Help out until the end. Very nice setting.

on 4. June 2021, 05:42 by Emphyrio
added the snake category

on 1. June 2021, 14:44 by PjotrV
Nice snake puzzle :D Inventive new logic :)

on 30. May 2021, 18:24 by zetamath
Very nice little puzzle to start my day with! I'm glad to see snake circles popping up in new places!

on 30. May 2021, 17:10 by Emphyrio
corrected typos in rules.

on 30. May 2021, 15:59 by Emphyrio
correct typo in title

Solved:8 times
Observed:10 times

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