Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

A Bit of This... (Sudoku)

(Published on 26. May 2021, 17:01 by PDN777)

Normal sudoku rules apply. Standard killer cage, thermo, and arrow rules apply. The thermo in row 4 is four cells long (from C9 to C6). The grey squares indicate an even digit. The black dots indicate a 2 to 1 ratio. Digits may not repeat along the two main diagonals. Comments welcome!

Play here: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=yem3v8rj

Solution code: First row of puzzle

Solved by SKORP17, wade_23, Cane_Puzzles, Marcos, samuella, henter, cfop, Julianl, antiknight, Steven R, kublai, Uhu, Lizzy01, beesquestionmark, fpac, Fedo , Shmartus, donnystam9, Quacks, DiMono, rcg, Greg, ... MoHaMeD05, BlackApolloX, Domen19192, pepe74287, Jordan Timm, jgarber, josemadre, beavr, Lovejoy , Kekes, mezkur7, Montikulum, Thomster, cozoq, Rüdiger, naggy, sujoyku, drf93, latters176
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on 15. April 2024, 00:09 by cozoq
Had to restart once after breaking the puzzle, but got it the second time! I liked the mix of techniques needed to solve this.

Last changed on 30. May 2022, 19:49

on 26. May 2022, 13:51 by Ximota
There will still be only one solution even without the given 5. Probably it could be better:)

** Thanks for the feedback.

Last changed on 7. November 2021, 16:00

on 6. November 2021, 18:12 by Moses*
Öfter mal was Neues! Heut waren es die Diagonalen.
thanks PDN

** Ja, Diagonalen sind einer meiner Favoriten. Das heutige Angebot hat sie wieder!

on 19. September 2021, 16:12 by uvo_mod
Labels angepasst.

on 27. May 2021, 09:56 by jimblek
Very good, litlle bit of everything:)

Last changed on 27. May 2021, 01:39

on 27. May 2021, 01:38 by PDN777
Well. To see a puzzle with similar ideas to mine, but executed much more beautifully, watch today's Cracking the Cryptic video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_XzWrahZfA // @Kyle: I'm glad it was fun enough to try several times! // @ImMitchell: I'm honored to be your first! ;-)

on 27. May 2021, 00:57 by KyleBaran
I had to redo it a few times because of my terrible logic, but the puzzle itself was pretty fun. I like the "grab bag" style of puzzles that use a little bit of everything.

on 26. May 2021, 20:47 by ImMitchell
First puzzle I've ever attempted on this site. Very enjoyable with clever logic but not too difficult.

Rating:86 %
Solved:161 times
Observed:10 times

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