Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 26. May 2021, 08:28 by e7odie)

Puzzle #3. I had a tough time gauging the difficulty on this one; hopefully it's fun.

Rules: normal sudoku rules apply. ALL cells that are larger or smaller than all of their orthogonal neighbors are marked, purple for larger and green for smaller. On thermometers, cells must increase from the bulb end.

Play on F-Puzzles

Solution code: Column 1 followed by row 9 (18 digits)

Last changed on on 26. May 2021, 16:31

Solved by SKORP17, cdwg2000, MavericksJD, henter, MartinR, ranhothchord, Julianl, cfop, wade_23, h0_0man, sirtramola, zhergan, Nairi, beesquestionmark, Raistlen, rcg, NikolaZ, ManuH, apendleton, Fedo , Darkgrumly, zorant, Uhu, Saskia, skywalker, flaemmchen, saskia-daniela, geronimo92, ParaNox, moss, lovely, jalebc, Ximota, Crul
Full list


on 20. March 2024, 16:24 by Crul
For those attempting the puzzle: the negative constrain does NOT apply to R4C5.

on 30. October 2021, 02:43 by uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt.

on 26. May 2021, 16:31 by e7odie
Fixed color of r8c1

on 26. May 2021, 16:29 by e7odie
Fixed solution code (wow, I'm dumb and swapped "row" and "column"...sorry)

Last changed on 26. May 2021, 14:16

on 26. May 2021, 14:15 by SKORP17
Solution Code = Column1 followed by Row9 !

on 26. May 2021, 10:01 by henter
The solution code doesn't seem to work.
And r8c1 should be purple.
Otherwise it is fun and not too difficult.

Rating:56 %
Solved:34 times
Observed:8 times

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