Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The End of the Rainbow (6x6)

(Published on 26. May 2021, 03:40 by Crystal Phoenix)


Normal sudoku rules apply.

Digits must not repeat along the main diagonals.

Digits along the gray lines must form palindromes - numbers that read the same forward and backward (ie. 13531).

Digits in cells separated by a white dot must be consecutive.

f-puzzles link

Solution code:

Row 4 followed by row 5.

Solved by Greg, kkli, brandon_bot, Konzert, Nairi, Realshaggy, Quarterthru, cdwg2000, matiasv5, Krokant, MavericksJD, Cane_Puzzles, flaemmchen, jimblek, Uhu, ranhothchord, Fedo , Mad-Tyas, henter, ehollins, ... Playmaker6174, vguardiano, jgarber, Cezarr, Blombit, Crul, TheBlueFlame121, Thomster, zhergan, jogerth, drifting, Carolin, pepe74287, LachyDachy, drf93, Javier Rebottaro, Dez256, yasmim.nat
Full list


on 19. September 2021, 16:05 by uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt.

on 24. August 2021, 11:25 by Arkhchance
Such a nice puzzle, extremely fun to solve
Thank you

on 13. July 2021, 22:16 by irq
What a lovely little puzzle, and very aptly named! Thanks for the coffee break.

Last changed on 26. May 2021, 23:34

on 26. May 2021, 09:04 by jimblek
Just amazing. Thanks.

[CP] Thanks, I'm glad you liked it!

Rating:88 %
Solved:123 times
Observed:8 times

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