Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Six Arrows

(Published on 7. September 2021, 01:00 by Lisztes)


Normal and Killer Sudoku rules apply. Each row, column, and 3x3 box contains each number from 1 to 9 exactly once. The sum of all numbers in a cage (marked with dashed lines) must match the small number printed in its corner. No number appears more than once in a cage.

Arrow Sudoku rules apply. Digits along the arrows in the grid must sum to the digit in their circle.

The puzzle is also available online.

Solution code: Row 7 and Column 4

Last changed on -

Solved by PulverizingPancake, cdwg2000, Tyrgannus, dori_polic, PotatoHead21, SimiC, Julianl, SKORP17, zuzanina, Count Knersis, tomate94, cfop, LKegel, StefanSch, puffy2005, w3leong, PureImprov, wenchang, Arka Badarka, parkinson, cegie, Cowbear, galgamer, Wonderment, Bart, Kilonum, ecavalli, sf2l, Kimyee, ManuH, HelloKetene, KNT, Fedo , zorant, apwelho, flaemmchen, by81996672, mezkur7
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on 11. July 2024, 15:04 by mezkur7
Sudokupad: https://sudokupad.app/73qrt437qh

on 19. September 2021, 00:49 by uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt.

Rating:90 %
Solved:38 times
Observed:9 times

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