Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Chicken on Wheels

(Published on 24. May 2021, 16:57 by AlfRamsey)

Normal Sudoku rules apply. In addition, identical digits must not appear a knight's move (in chess) apart. Digits within cages sum to the total (where given) in the upper left of the cage. The lines with bulbs are thermometers wherein the digits must increase moving away from the bulb. The lines without bulbs are palindromes, with digits appearing in identical order starting from either end. The cells with circles contain odd digits. The puzzle (colour removed): https://f-puzzles.com/?id=yecro834

Solution code: Digits of Row 7, Left to Right

Last changed on on 25. May 2021, 11:34

Solved by henter, SKORP17, NikolaZ, Uhu, cfop, Julianl, matzrh, SirWoezel, cdwg2000, ManuH, kkli, abed hawila, mlkj, morgannamodeaura, skywalker, zorant, PinkNickels, LadyRuatha, avahales, Miaocik, apwelho, KatiBru, Kekes, mezkur7, finger, m_busuttil
Full list


on 19. July 2024, 14:39 by mezkur7
Sudokupad: https://sudokupad.app/ba79xt8a40

on 11. February 2022, 20:28 by PinkNickels
This was a freaking awesome puzzle!

on 19. September 2021, 00:35 by uvo_mod
Label "Online Solving Tool" ergänzt.

Rating:84 %
Solved:26 times
Observed:14 times

Variant combination Online solving tool

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