Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

9x4x4 Kombi Experiment

(Published on 23. May 2021, 16:13 by DocLogic)

I give it a try, let's see if it works out well. Same colors mean same figures. Besides that: without words. Enjoy!

Solution code: the 4 rows of "???" each from left to right

Last changed on on 23. May 2021, 23:37

Solved by athin, Dandelo, jkl, Laje6, moss, zuzanina, drolli38, Realshaggy, marcmees, logik66, Nr.2, Mark Sweep, Zzzyxas, saskia-daniela, NikolaZ, CJK, ManuH, nseydel, Mjb99, Raistlen, rcg, Joo M.Y, zorant, ... Katchoo, derwolf23, derKrampus, rubbeng, SAMT, myothername, TJReds, samjna0049, kinoseidon, Jaych, zrbakhtiar, Krokant, AndreasS, NinaS, jkuo7, Sewerin, Hippologicus, Lili Lavender, me and the paws
Full list


on 3. April 2024, 16:59 by Lili Lavender
So CUTE :-))! Thanks :-)

Last changed on 3. February 2023, 09:32

on 20. January 2023, 04:58 by TJReds
penpa link: https://tinyurl.com/273q4pvm
(with colors)

on 20. September 2022, 17:41 by SAMT
Was "man" so alles machen kann mit 4 (5 Ziffern)... Genial! Danke

on 5. September 2022, 00:19 by derKrampus
Penpa+ link: https://tinyurl.com/2jxkkorx

on 30. October 2021, 02:41 by uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt.

on 26. May 2021, 23:48 by Ragna
Ganz schön kniffelig! Vielen Dank für das ausgefuchste Rätsel. :-))

on 24. May 2021, 14:10 by nseydel
Sehr schön, danke

on 23. May 2021, 20:14 by drolli38
sehr schöne Kombination, immer wieder neue Ideen bei deinen Rätseln, vielen Dank!

Rating:88 %
Solved:67 times
Observed:12 times

Puzzle combination Multi-grid puzzle

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