Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 22. May 2021, 03:53 by grkles)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Palindromes: Digits along lines form palindromes, which read the same in both directions.

Little Killer Sums: Digits along indicated diagonals sum to the totals given outside the grid, and may repeat if allowed by the other constraints.

Play on F-Puzzles.

Solution code: Negative diagonal (r1c1 to r9c9), then row 8. 18 digits, no spaces.

Solved by TotallyNormalCat, Willy Wonka, Tilberg, polar, abed hawila, PulverizingPancake, zhergan, wenchang, parkinson, PixelPlucker, PotatoHead21, tinounou, Niverio, Playmaker6174, Vebby, the_cogito, Jeet Sampat, Muhammad, aholst, cdwg2000, Ood, Qodec, Las4one, Zzzyxas, finger
Full list


on 9. January 2023, 17:07 by cdwg2000
Very nice break in.

on 8. March 2022, 02:49 by Jeet Sampat
Sooooo.... That took a while. What a brilliant puzzle!

on 14. October 2021, 19:52 by Playmaker6174
Got a chance to revisit this puzzle after a long time and wow...
Brutally clever and beautiful, I don't know what to say more. Even after the clever break-in I still struggled so hard to make it through (especially near the end), truly a crazy experience in my lifetime. Still loved it!!

on 14. September 2021, 22:41 by uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt.

on 6. June 2021, 08:16 by PotatoHead21
Wonderful puzzle. The break in was amazing, and the ending with the 45 diagonal was just brutal but I managed to crack it.

on 31. May 2021, 09:55 by PixelPlucker
Very challenging puzzle, not least because it's covered in pawprints, if you catch my drift :3 Thanks!

on 23. May 2021, 21:54 by PrimeWeasel
This palindrome set-up looks awfully familiar gray!

on 23. May 2021, 21:38 by Playmaker6174
Can't wait to see Simon solve this incredible puzzle, this looks insane and very delicate at the same time :)

on 23. May 2021, 03:00 by abed hawila

on 22. May 2021, 15:51 by Tilberg
One hell of a break-in!

Last changed on 22. May 2021, 14:38

on 22. May 2021, 14:37 by Willy Wonka
Superb! A very fun way to fill my evening, thank you for this masterpiece

Rating:99 %
Solved:25 times
Observed:6 times

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