Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Jeepers Creepers

(Published on 21. May 2021, 05:00 by panthchesh)

What happened here? Did the imposter strike again? What exploded all over my pretty puzzle and created this chaos??

Normal sudoku rules apply. Shade some cells to help you solve this puzzle!

Japanese Sum Sudoku Rules: Clues outside the grid indicate the sums of the digits in shaded cells. The shaded cells must be separated by at least 1 non-shaded cell.

SOME column/row clues were changed to represent the UNshaded cells instead of the shaded ones!

Note: a row or column clue will only give you a clue about one type of cell : shaded or unshaded. There are no mixed clues within a column or row.

There are 2 magic squares hidden in this puzzle -- and one is entirely in the unshaded region! The other contains BOTH regions.

(Puzzle picture by Lucy Audrin)

F-Puzzles Penpa

Solution code: Column 5 and Row 4

Solved by Polycarp, universe42, PulverizingPancake, Darkgrumly, NikolaZ, geronimo92, DamnedLight, RockyRoer, Jesper, Krokant, PixelPlucker, PjotrV, Uhu, ashwin, cfop, Vebby, marcmees, OGRussHood, Smoncko, isajo4002, apwelho, Canyun
Full list


on 11. September 2021, 02:04 by uvo_mod
Labels angepasst.

on 29. June 2021, 22:39 by ashwin
Amazing puzzle - although i think i may have guessed (correctly) on one step. Gonna watch the youtube video to see if i missed something.

on 12. June 2021, 10:35 by Krokant
These impostors are great. This one got me stuck for a while, but I got them in the end. Fun solve. :)

on 4. June 2021, 13:23 by RockyRoer
Sure enjoy these picture puzzle Japanese sum sudoku puzzles. Great mix of ideas and I thought the imposter rule was going to be much more difficult and I was pleased to find it wasn’t as bad as I feared. If you’re nervous about trying this, go for it! You can do it.

on 23. May 2021, 03:07 by panthchesh
Thanks Rangsk for featuring this puzzle in your livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihD3XPRRRtY&t=3151s

If you haven't seen the livestream, come join us! It's fun! :D

Rating:91 %
Solved:22 times
Observed:8 times

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