Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 21. May 2021, 02:00 by XeonRisq)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Numbers on a thermometer must strictly increase as they move away from the bulb.

The 4-cell boxes in YELLOW are mystery squares. Each mystery square is comprised of only 2 digits. (such as 8-5-8-5)

The mystery square to the bottom left sums to half the total of the one to the top right.

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Solution code: Row 6 followed by Column 8

Solved by zhergan, kkli, SoulInflicted, cdwg2000, SKORP17, Nairi, morgannamodeaura, zorant, LadyRuatha, isajo4002, SeveNateNine, Elliott810
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Solved:12 times
Observed:10 times

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