Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Fighting Eights - Killer Sudoku

(Published on 20. May 2021, 18:01 by Mad-Tyas)

After introducing new kinds of rules in all of my previous puzzle, here is now one with totally common rules. A combination of killer and little killer sudoku. Have fun!
I appreciate any kind of feedback.

Sudoku at f-puzzles


Normal sudoku rules apply.

Killer sudoku: In cages digits cannot be repeated and must add to the total shown in the upper left corner of the cage.

Little killer sudoku: A clue outside the grid gives the sum of the digits on the indicated diagonal which may include repeats.

Solution code: The negative diagonal (r1c1 to r9c9) followed by the positive diagonal (r9c1 to r1c9). (18 digits)

Last changed on on 26. May 2021, 22:20

Solved by henter, Nyarlah, h0_0man, cfop, monk, Lipalokus, leemsa, skywalker, zhergan, ManuH, DamnedLight, SKORP17, SimiC, apendleton, zorant, PippoForte, zrbakhtiar, sujoyku, valle1124
Full list


on 16. March 2024, 17:10 by sujoyku
I completely agree with zrbakhtiar's comment. This puzzle has some nice geometry. Thank you for setting and sharing, Mad-Tyas!

on 16. March 2024, 15:18 by zrbakhtiar
this puzzle deserve more solves

on 11. September 2021, 01:52 by uvo_mod
Labels angepasst.

on 26. May 2021, 22:20 by Mad-Tyas
Changed title

Rating:88 %
Solved:19 times
Observed:8 times

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