Solution code: Row 4 Column 5
on 5. September 2021, 00:53 by uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt.
on 6. June 2021, 17:48 by udukos
Thank you for all the nice feedback! :)
on 4. June 2021, 17:35 by Playmaker6174
[Taking a break after tallcat's renban puzzle and now I'd like to try this one out :} ]
The logics in this puzzle are just brilliant, from the lovely break-in to the end. It's crazy that it still resists till the end, and 80+ mins solve is not bad I think :)
on 4. June 2021, 14:25 by Lizzy01
Very nice!
on 4. June 2021, 06:59 by cdwg2000
The design is very delicate, not very difficult, thank you!
on 3. June 2021, 03:15 by tallcat
Having posted a renban arrow puzzle earlier today, I saw this and had to give it a try!! Very nice and intricate - definitely had a couple of sticking points where it took me longer than it should to spot the next step. Still, loved the break-in and how it went from there!