Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Awkward Spiders

(Published on 17. May 2021, 02:53 by Polycarp)

Normal sudoku rules apply.

Arrow Rules. All digits along an arrow must sum to the digit in the circle of that arrow.

Killer Cage Rules. All digits in cage must sum to the number in the top left corner of that cage.

F-Puzzles link: https://f-puzzles.com/?id=yhpxrv9v

Solution code: column 1 digits followed by row 9 digits (18 total)

Last changed on on 9. December 2021, 04:50

Solved by wpolly, cdwg2000, Rangsk, TimE, panthchesh, Ambrose, zhergan, Uhu, Ragna, Zodiac, skywalker, fuxia, Storm, SKORP17, sirtramola, MalkoMann2, SoulInflicted, rayn, Pila, Geoteve, Shmartus, cfop, ... smckinley, ManuH, zlotnleo, DamnedLight, bedabidi, nseydel, Beedersen, StefanSch, OGRussHood, apwelho, bolado, LadyShapeShifter, pepe74287, flaemmchen, valle1124, sandmoppe, mezkur7, augsod
Full list


on 24. November 2024, 23:07 by mezkur7
Sudokupad: https://sudokupad.app/slwszrprzf

on 9. December 2021, 04:50 by Polycarp
updated label tags

on 5. September 2021, 00:50 by uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt.

on 18. May 2021, 06:44 by brandon_bot
Very enjoyable solve.

on 17. May 2021, 11:51 by Ragna
Very nice! Thank you for the puzzle. :-))

on 17. May 2021, 04:54 by panthchesh
Thanks for the puzzle! This was a lot of fun! :D

Last changed on 17. May 2021, 03:39

on 17. May 2021, 03:39 by Rangsk
Very intricate but fun solve path :) Thanks for letting me solve it on stream!

Rating:92 %
Solved:66 times
Observed:15 times

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