Standard Sudoku rules apply. Standard killer Sudoku rules: Digits in cages must sum to the total in the top-left corner of the cage. (In the cage marked with an inequality, the sum can be any total less than 13.) Digits cannot repeat within a cage. Anti-elephant rules: Cells separated by an elephant's move in fairy chess (that is, one or two digits diagonally in any direction) may not contain the same digit. Sample diagram shown below - none of the highlighted cells may contain a 2:
F-puzzles link: Link to solve online. Note that f-puzzles does not have anti-elephant programmed as an option; anti-king is turned on (as that is a subset of anti-elephant), but you'll have to watch the two-length diagonals yourself.
This is definitely a new constraint for me and it was very challenging to set, so I would love to hear whatever feedback you have! Edit: Thanks to Tilberg for the German translation of the ruleset!
Solution code: Row 9 followed by column 9, no spaces
on 4. September 2021, 23:03 by uvo_mod
Label "Online Solving Tool" ergänzt.
on 26. July 2021, 15:54 by twototenth
Tags updated (no anti-elephant tag, sadly; as a result, tags do not reflect all rules).
on 19. May 2021, 11:47 by Tilberg
@twototenth: You're welcome. :-) It was my pleasure. But maybe you should keep the English ruleset anyway?
Ed: It's still there, just on the English version of the page.
on 19. May 2021, 05:17 by twototenth
Updated to add German ruleset - thanks to Tilberg for the translation (and for the very kind comments)!
on 18. May 2021, 10:48 by Tilberg
German ruleset:
Es gelten die normalen Sudokuregeln. Es gelten zudem die üblichen Killer-Sudoku-Regeln: Ziffern in einem Käfig dürfen sich nicht wiederholen und ihre Summe ist in der linken oberen Ecke des Käfigs angegeben (das Ungleichheitszeichen im Käfig in Box 6 bedeutet, daß die Käfigsumme kleiner als 13 sein muß). Schließlich gilt die Anti-Elefanten-Regel: Zellen, die einen Elefantenzug im Feenschach voneinander entfernt sind (also einen oder zwei Schritte diagonal), dürfen nicht dieselbe Ziffer enthalten. Beispiel: Im unten abgebildeten Gitter darf keine der markierten Zellen eine 2 enthalten.
on 18. May 2021, 10:37 by Tilberg
Oh man, what a ride! I had to mount the horse three times, got thrown back by a pack of Orks on Oliphants again and again, but finally arrived at Edoras.
on 18. May 2021, 10:02 by Johannes Quack
Surprisingly tough!
on 18. May 2021, 00:50 by Yerui
Nice puzzle even if it's a bit hard to keep in mind the Anti-Elephant restriction
on 17. May 2021, 18:07 by skywalker
Beautiful challenge!!!
on 17. May 2021, 13:09 by cdwg2000
Very nice!