Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Slitherlink Sudoku 01

(Published on 15. May 2021, 20:27 by DukeBG)

I haven't seen that many attempts to make a slitherlink-sudoku combinations, so I attempted to create one myself. It turned out to be tough to make a ruleset that would work satisfyingly, but my hope is that more people will use my approach to add conditional constraints for other digits to get it to work.

I don't actually think this one is a very good attempt, though – some steps are clunky making the puzzle a bit unnecessary hard. I'll try to construct a smoother one next, this one was an attempt to get an unambiguous grid that solves at all – I know, I know, a very bad approach.

Normal Sudoku rules apply.

Slitherlink rules apply – you need to draw a single loop through the edges of the sudoku grid that doesn't touch or cross itself. Some of the sudoku numbers will be slitherlink clues "0", "1", "2" or "3" meaning that many of the edges of that cell are part of the loop.

  • Numbers 1, 2 and 3 are just corresponding slitherlink clues.
  • Number 4 is a "2" clue in green boxes and at least "2" in blue boxes.
  • Number 5 is a "2" clue in yellow boxes.
  • Number 6 is a "3" clue in the central box (box5) and also a "0" clue exactly three times in the grid.
  • Number 7 is a "1" clue in the middle row of boxes.
  • Number 8 is always either a "1" clue or a "2" clue.
  • Number 9 is a "1" clue in the middle row of boxes, a "1" clue in blue boxes and in yellow boxes it has three different clue values that are ascending from top to bottom (i.e the value in box3 is the smallest and the value in box7 the largest of the three).
  • Only numbers larger than 5 can be a "0" clue.
Penpa+ link

Solution code: Numbers of cells inside the loop row by row (starting from the top) followed by numbers of row 2 (from left to right)

Solved by Banana, Angizia, bob, jkuo7
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on 4. September 2021, 22:59 by uvo_mod
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