Solution code: Column 1 followed by row 9
on 2. September 2021, 12:04 by uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt.
on 15. May 2021, 19:13 by Genie64
Haha very bizarre. 3 stairways in a week. Again thanks for the feedback!
on 15. May 2021, 00:23 by steelwool
Very odd, we have three stairway to heaven themed puzzles published in the space of three days!
on 14. May 2021, 09:43 by apendleton
Fun opening, and nice interactions between different constraints. Agree with other comments that it got bogged down a little towards the end... I ended up using a kind-of convoluted logic chain to resolve the last killer clue.
on 13. May 2021, 16:41 by Genie64
Yes the solution path was a bit stop-starty for my liking! I'm going to have a second crack on a new puzzle using the same constraints and see if I can refine it a bit, make it flow a bit better, so watch out for the next one! Thanks for the feedback, really appreciate it!
on 13. May 2021, 15:06 by tallcat
Not bad at all for a first attempt. There were just a couple of spots where (for me) the logic ground to a halt and it really was not clear where to look.
on 13. May 2021, 06:17 by sPaulding
A bit tricky in spots, but overall it feels elegant. Great debut puzzle!
on 12. May 2021, 21:07 by Genie64
Solution code amended! Column 1 followed by row 9! Apologies
on 12. May 2021, 21:00 by sirtramola
Also having problem with the solution code.
on 12. May 2021, 20:56 by fuxia
Your solution code seems to be wrong. I solved the puzzle correctly, but it doesn't get accepted.
on 12. May 2021, 20:04 by Genie64
Link Added
on 12. May 2021, 19:51 by Genie64
Removed typo