Wichtel 2020 (6): Rundweg "Fünf Jahreszeiten"
(Published on 27. May 2021, 20:02 by wichtel)
To Christmas 2020 some eager puzzlefriends have again arranged a group in which everybody had to make anonymously a puzzle for someone else. These puzzles are now presented one after the other here in the portal.
"All righty, then. Ibafzyzz is all done, who's next?“. The chief gnome squinted at his list. "Ibag!". "Oh, that's an easy one!" Santa said gleefully. "Grab a Japanese Sums variant from the pile back there. I've bought a 20 years' supply of them. Next?" "Juuust a moment! Didn't ibag get Japanese Sums every year for the past five? Surely that's gotten boring by now! Please let's give her something else!". "Okayokay, easier said than done. Have you already got an idea?". "Perhaps so. Come follow me to the roof!".
With a labored groan Santa followed his chief gnome up to the gnome telescope. "See that star over there? There used to be a great big wall there, but over time it has fallen into ruin. In any case, the citizens have erected clue markers, so one can still figure out where the wall used to be, just like in a slitherlink puzzle.". Santa peered through the telescope. "But that's nonsense! It can't possibly be right, don't you see the markers with 4's on them?". "Oh, right, well, the citizens couldn't quite agree about the rules. Each quintant has a different set." "What kind of ant?!". "You know... the five, err, lobes! Only one of them obeys normal slitherlink rules.
In another, the citizens always were off by one in their counting. In yet another, the clues inside the loop indicate how many edges are used while those outside the loop indicate how many are not used. I think that's sometimes called polygraph. In one lobe, the clue markers tell how often the loop touches the clue, as seen in the Touch Slitherlink variant. And in the last lobe clues indicate in how many corner fields the loop takes a turn. That's usually known as Turning Fences. Anyway, maybe you could consider whether that might be suitable. Anyhow, I'm off on my union-mandated break.".
"Hm…", Santa pondered, looking through the telescope. "Hang on! You forgot to tell me which rule applies to which lobe!". But the chief gnome had vanished into thin air…
Solution code: Size of regions outside the loop in clockwise order, beginning in the top corner. X for sizes >= 10.
Last changed on -
Solved by Puzzle_Maestro, rob, Dandelo, Nensche777, zuzanina, Statistica, Realshaggy, CJK, Jesper, r45, Zzzyxas, ibag, ManuH, DukeBG, PaulaW, FzFeather, tuace, AnnaTh, ffricke, moss, Geoteve, Joe Average, Mark Sweep, ChristJan, Uhu, numdegased, Timwi, misko, bob, CHalb, pwahs, PixelPlucker, polar, apiad, edderiofer, Alex, puzzler05, matter
on 23. December 2021, 18:57 by PixelPlucker
on 9. October 2021, 11:10 by CHalb
Und ich merke erst nach vielen Fallunterscheidungen und eindeutig mehr als einer Lösung, dass ich zum Ausdruck eine alte Grafik ohne die 4 erwischt habe. *grummel* Klasse Rätsel :-) !
on 25. September 2021, 15:42 by bob
Spectacular! I have been doing slither links as a break from sudokus. This was literally the star of the list.
on 26. August 2021, 23:09 by uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt.
on 3. June 2021, 10:47 by AnnaTh
Auch im Sommer ein Genuss!
on 30. May 2021, 14:45 by DukeBG
I loved this!
on 30. May 2021, 12:48 by wichtel
Ööh...huch...achso...janee. Das war nicht wirklich Absicht, also eher schusselig, sorry.
on 29. May 2021, 12:02 by ibag
Nochmal vielen lieben Dank an meinen Wichtel für das großartige Geschenk, es hat auch zum zweiten Mal riesigen Spaß gemacht. Etwas verwundert bin ich nur, dass Wichtel die Geheimhaltung anscheinend aufgegeben hat ...
on 29. May 2021, 11:33 by Zzzyxas
Absolut perfekt!
on 29. May 2021, 05:57 by r45
Was für ein schöner Stern, super!
on 28. May 2021, 20:12 by Statistica
Klasse Wichtel. Nicht nur optisch ein Genuss!
on 28. May 2021, 17:09 by zuzanina
Oh! Super schön!
Ja, die ergänzte 4 macht es zu einem großartigen und jetzt auch eindeutigen Rätsel, bei dem es immer schön logisch weiter geht! :-)
on 28. May 2021, 15:33 by Nensche777
Total toll! Danke! :)
on 28. May 2021, 09:20 by wichtel
Die 4 im Quintant rechts unten ist nun ergänzt. Thanks Puzzle_Maestro for the hint to the missing hint.