Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Everytink but the kitchen sink #5

(Published on 12. May 2021, 16:00 by GremlinSA)

This puzzle was set with multiple solutions in mind. There are a total of 5 possible solutions to this one grid.

Killer Cage: All the given killer cages sum to the same total. Digits may not repeat in the cages.
Thermometer: Digits must increase from the bulb end.
Kropki: White dots show a difference of 1 (Consecutive Digits), Black dots show a ratio of 2. (not all dots are given)
XV : X marked cells sum to 10, V marked cells sum to 5. (not all clues are given)
Arrow: Digits along the arrow sum to the number in the circle.
Sandwich sum: Digits between 1 and 9 in the row/column sum to the number outside the grid.

Previous solves:
Use the Thermometer clues and Killer cage total of 16.
Use the Kropki clues and Killer cage total of 17.
Use the XV clues and Killer cage total of 18.
Use the Arrow clues and Killer cage total of 19.

Today's solve:
Use the Sandwich sum clues and Killer cage total of 20.
Below is a grid with only the clues required shown

F-Puzzles link with only the required clues

Solution code: Row 5, Col 5

Last changed on -

Solved by Fedo , Greg, cfop, SKORP17, kroutu, leemsa, zorant, jchan18, askel083, JohnDoeJersey, ranhothchord, NikolaZ, skywalker, marcmees, Yerui, ManuH, beesquestionmark, wrightbr3, Krokant, 0123coolkid, Raistlen, cegie, ashwin, lutzreimer, Crul, apwelho, zrbakhtiar
Full list


on 1. September 2021, 00:10 by uvo_mod
Labels angepasst.

on 14. May 2021, 14:51 by Krokant
Thank you for this pack of puzzles. A very enjoyable series. Already looking forward to the next one. :)

on 14. May 2021, 07:36 by wrightbr3
thankyou for the series of puzzles. Enjoyed it!

on 13. May 2021, 12:04 by marcmees
the whole series was a real joy. thanks.

on 13. May 2021, 08:37 by GremlinSA
Thank you. I'm already working on the next series, where hopefully there will be a bonus solve.

Last changed on 13. May 2021, 06:05

on 13. May 2021, 06:04 by askel083
Thanks for this entire series. I really enjoyed all five puzzles. Perfect level of challenge and fun for me! So creative and clever.

Rating:93 %
Solved:27 times
Observed:13 times

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