Revenge of the Hash (Irregular Thermo Sudoku)
(Published on 9. May 2021, 11:00 by lavaloid)
Full title: Return of the Revenge of the Hash: The Movie: The Game
- Irregular sudoku rules apply.
Every row, column, and 9-cell region must contain all digits from 1 to 9.
- Thermo rules apply.
Along a thermometer, digits strictly increase from bulb to end.
These hints are for the logic path I used, but your solve path may differ slightly. These hints are encrypted with ROT13. Here is a tool that you may use to decrypt it:
- First hard step
- Tiny nudge: pbybevat gur ragver tevq naq frg rdhvinyrapr gurbel ner abg erdhverq
- Bigger hint: svaq gjb aba ercrngvat avar pryy ertvbaf
- Where to look: pbafvqre gur gurezb cnve va gbc yrsg dhnqenag, fvzvyne ybtvp nccyvrf va gur gbc evtug
- Second hard step
- What to do: svaq n guveq rkgen ertvba
- Additional hint: guvf frg bs avar pryyf zvtug abg or begubtbanyyl pbaarpgrq
- Where to look: fvzvyne ybtvp gb gur oernx va tvirf rvtug pryyf ng gur obggbz yrsg
- Where to look (part 2): ebj frira pbyhza frira tvirf n avagu pryy
Solution code: Row 1 then row 9 (left to right, without space)
Last changed on on 2. June 2022, 04:13
Solved by cdwg2000, ManuH, zorant, Tilberg, marcmees, parkinson, karen_birgitta, Luetkahans, bakpao, SKORP17, lerroyy, glum_hippo, Sewerin
on 17. June 2022, 18:32 by glum_hippo
Good golly! What a workout
on 2. June 2022, 04:13 by lavaloid
Changed title and increased difficulty
on 13. September 2021, 04:22 by lavaloid
Fix link formatting
on 13. September 2021, 04:21 by lavaloid
Added hints, hopefully it will help people get unstuck with the puzzle.
on 25. August 2021, 21:10 by uvo_mod
Label "Online Solving Tool" ergänzt.
Last changed on 11. May 2021, 04:22on 10. May 2021, 17:15 by marcmees
Nicest combi of thermo and chaos encountered. Thanks.
(reply) Thank you very much!