Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.


(Published on 8. May 2021, 07:42 by Joseph nehme)


- Normal Standard Sudoku rules apply.

- On the marked diagonals digits cannot repeat.

- Outlined regions are cages. The sum of digits in a cage is given in the top-left and digits cannot repeat.

- The Blue cells are clones: The digits in these cells are the same.

Link to play below.

F-Puzzle link

As always, your feedback, ratings and comments are highly appreciated :) Enjoy !

Solution code: Row 5 followed by column 4 (no spaces and no commas) ie (123456789987654321)

Solved by skywalker, zuzanina, Krokant, fuxia, Julianl, Jesper, SirWoezel, zorant, Fred Yamred, GD20, Lisztes, NikolaZ, brandon_bot, smistry, Isa, amirbeirat, wenchang, twototenth, PulverizingPancake, ... Mody, StefanSch, Vebby, Strosahl, sandmoppe, apwelho, KNT, jguer, Florian Wortmann, Leonard Hal, by81996672, Playmaker6174, zhergan, SKORP17, Just me, EmX68, PsychedelicCreature, valle1124, AvonD
Full list


Last changed on 31. October 2022, 11:37

on 31. October 2022, 09:29 by Playmaker6174
Absolutely fantastic puzzle! Nice opening delivered for some really cool (and quite mathy) interactions later on, gorgeous stuff ;)

@Playmaker6174 Thank you my friend :)

on 25. August 2021, 20:49 by uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt.

on 30. June 2021, 17:55 by Dave252
Very challenging puzzle, highly recommended to the arithmetic lovers, extremely well done!!

on 12. May 2021, 05:40 by Joseph nehme
@cam Thank you. Yes that was the goal of this puzzle. Glad you liked it :)

on 11. May 2021, 23:20 by cam
Great puzzle! It had a nice flow that made it feel relaxing and not too difficult :)

on 9. May 2021, 05:42 by Joseph nehme
@twototenth I am glad you liked it. Thank you :)

on 9. May 2021, 05:41 by Joseph nehme
@smistry Thank you :)

on 9. May 2021, 02:57 by twototenth
Gorgeous puzzle. The flow from the diagonals to the rows and columns to the cages and back throughout was extremely well done.

on 8. May 2021, 21:43 by smistry
Nice puzzle, great flow. Thanks for setting.

on 8. May 2021, 13:50 by Joseph nehme
@SKORP17 That's nothing. I forgot to remove this highlighted cell before screenshoting.

on 8. May 2021, 12:33 by SKORP17
and the yellow cell?

Rating:96 %
Solved:59 times
Observed:8 times

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