Normal Sudoku rules.
Digits along a Thermometer increase from the bulb.
Kropki Pairs
Cells connected by a white dot contain consecutive digits. Cells connected by a black dot contain digits in a 1:2 ratio. Not all possible dots are given.
Happy Star Wars day and May the 4th be with you :-)
Solution code: row 4 and column 5
on 24. October 2021, 11:50 by Florian Wortmann
on 24. October 2021, 11:47 by Florian Wortmann
Added ctc-app link
on 8. August 2021, 16:28 by Florian Wortmann
fixed tags
on 5. May 2021, 18:22 by Orpheus
Fun time! It was fun to see how creative you could be with the size and shape of the tie fighters!!