Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

Yes it Does. This Does with 20

(Published on 2. May 2021, 07:49 by tsc)

❶ Standard 5x5 Sudoku rules apply
❷ Quadruple: each of the numbers in the white circles must appear at least once in the four surrounding cells
❸ The greater than symbol indicates which cell contains the greater digit
❹ Cells separated by a white dot must be consecutive. There is no negative constraint, but:
The total number of dots would be 20 if all possible dots were given

Inspired by Göran H's Yes it Does. Read the Rules.

Puzzle: f-puzzles

Solution code: column 3 (top down)

Solved by jchan18, Fedo , Uhu, Zzzyxas, Zombie Hunter, marcmees, Eloi.blok, Julianl, Danlej085, Cane_Puzzles, ranhothchord, ManuH, saskia-daniela, fpac, MartinR, Nairi, Greg, jgarber, mattjhussey, sbc, DukeBG, ... sandmoppe, zorant, Realshaggy, JSmoove1099, bbutrosghali, NineK, jessica6, KlausRG, PatientMustard, lutzreimer, Jordan Timm, Kekes, uvo, Gniffel, Thomster, drf93, Dez256, Javier Rebottaro, Drawoon
Full list


on 1. September 2021, 00:02 by uvo_mod
Labels ergänzt.

on 25. July 2021, 15:57 by Rollo
Nice puzzle.

Last changed on 4. May 2021, 21:46

on 2. May 2021, 23:18 by DukeBG
Interesting variation of the original!

[tsc] thanks for the feedback. I also thought it is an interesting approach and was thinking to use this puzzle as a test to check to evolve the this ruleset eventually to a bigger puzzle. Applied for each 3x3 box individually it could even become a full blown 9x9 puzzle.
The rating is not that encouraging though ☺️

Rating:55 %
Solved:63 times
Observed:4 times

Puzzle variant Online solving tool Small Latin Square

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