Logic Masters Deutschland e.V.

The Suducku King (Thermometer + Renban sudoku)

(Published on 1. May 2021, 20:51 by Aspartagcus)

This is my first time using renban lines, which I think is a quite interesting constraint.

Edit: This puzzle got featured on Cracking the Cryptic. :)

- Normal sudoku rules apply.
- Digits on the light gray thermometers have to increase as they move away from the bulb.
- Digits on dark gray renban lines have to be a set of non-repeating consecutive digits, in any order.

Setting this puzzle was quite interesting, I did not originally mean for it to turn into a picture, but the more I set, the more I saw the potential for it, and I just had to go for it. The crown on top was not intentional, it was a happy accident.


Link to solve it online:
f-puzzles (without colors)

Solution code: Rows 2 and 8 in succession.

Last changed on on 17. August 2021, 11:36

Solved by Zombie Hunter, Nairi, DiMono, PixelPlucker, tenaliraman, Nityant5, stefliew, Qodec, john9, RockyRoer, theParad0x, abed hawila, polar, juventino188, SeminoleCBO, thinkingalaud, Klausku, geronimo92, ... cfop, SKORP17, zhergan, michaal94, Wintermute7, Crul, Vebby, StefanSch, Uhu, karen_birgitta, by81996672, pianobarry87, wand, apwelho, Chefofdeath, OGRussHood, Sewerin, benzonitrile, AvonD
Full list


on 17. August 2021, 11:36 by Aspartagcus
Added link to CtC.

on 11. August 2021, 20:09 by uvo_mod
Labels angepasst.

Last changed on 19. May 2021, 08:54

on 17. May 2021, 11:47 by glum_hippo
Good puzzle indeed!


Thanks! :)

on 17. May 2021, 00:54 by Ragna
Nice picture! Exactly one bifurcation. Quaak! :-))

Last changed on 19. May 2021, 08:55

on 15. May 2021, 15:57 by Klausku
What a cool name. And a cool puzzle. Thanks.


Thank you!

Last changed on 6. May 2021, 21:25

on 6. May 2021, 17:59 by theParad0x
Super fun puzzle!! I struggled with it but I think that's due to me not being familiar with the renban variant. Very good overall and the logic was very satisfying.


Thanks a lot! :)

Last changed on 4. May 2021, 10:22

on 4. May 2021, 04:04 by RockyRoer
Loved it! Crazy how symmetrical it was, yet the one difference made it all solvable and unique! I agree - Ran Ban has great untapped potential!


Thanks! I was pleasantly surprised that it ended up almost symmetrical all the way. :) An earlier version had a wonky beak and some unruly feathers on top, but the solve path wasn't as nice.

Last changed on 4. May 2021, 10:18

on 2. May 2021, 04:36 by DiMono
This was quacking good fun. Thanks!


Happy that you enjoyed it!

Last changed on 4. May 2021, 10:17

on 1. May 2021, 22:53 by Zombie Hunter
Long live the king. Filled with clever logic. Enjoyable solve.


Thank you! :)

on 1. May 2021, 22:01 by Aspartagcus
Fixed the solution code.

Rating:94 %
Solved:42 times
Observed:9 times

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